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EIRA with PAAF / PAAF with EIRA Alignment Guidelines v1.00

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| Licence: ISA Product License v1.4
Published on: 14/03/2024 Last update: 15/03/2024

This document analyses the potential alignment of PAAF and EIRA, offering a series of guidelines and examples explaining the usage of EIRA’s ABB supporting the representation of PAAF model and vice versa.

This document has been structured with the following sections:

  • PAAF – EIRA Models: Depicts the complete view of the elements and their relationship of the ABBs in the scope of this alignment. There are diagrams for both PAAF and EIRA.
  • PAAF <-> EIRA Alignment Guidelines: Identify the correspondences between ABBs on both models, considering the alignment in both directions. Contains guidelines and examples of how to use EIRA and PAAF ABBs.
  • PAAF – EIRA Cheat Sheet: A summary of the alignment between PAAF and EIRA ABBs for quick reference.


Representation technique
Human Language