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The Project Quick Assessment and Portfolio Management Decision Support is a solution that allows the users to analye and assess one or more project and visualise them in a quadrant, i.e. a quick project portfolio management tool.

The project/s is/are analysed in the first section of the tool, called "1. Quick Project/s Assessment", based on the following information/parameters:

  1. Project ID: the user should insert the project ID
  2. Project Domain: the user should specifies the project ID
  3. Project name: the user should specifies the project ID
  4. Strategy Fit: it refers to the Score assigned to the project
  5. Status Quo Efficacy: Score assigned to the As-Is efficacy of the concerned capability
  6. Target Efficacy: Score assigned to the To-Be target prospective efficacy of the concerned capability
  7. Expected Public Value: Score assigned to the To-Be benefits, costs discounted, provided by the Target Efficacy
  8. Estimated Budget: Estimated capital successfully implementing the gap Status-quo vs. Target Efficacies

Here below is reported an illustrative example of the first section:

Quick tool 1st section

The user has the possibility to locally save the project/s information (csv file format) and add one or more project by simply uploading the "saved version" of the csv file.

Once the user finishes the project/s registration in the first section, he/she will move to the second section of the tool called "2. Quick Project/s Management"; this component supports the user in the visualisation of the first section results, providing useful features to prioritise the selected projects adjusting the Strategic Fit, Expected Public Value and Status Quo Efficacy values for the different policy domains.

Here below is reported an illustrative example of the second section:

Quick tool 2nd section

Please find here the link to the tool. We kindly invite you to provide us with you feedback on this new assessment tool. Please reach us through the following email:

Last update: 11/05/2022

Release notes


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Last update
Solution type
Interoperable European Solution Component


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