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Standardisation body
CSC-2 has created a survey for collecting feedback from the Cloud Computing community in terms of needs, benefits, challenges and areas of concerns regarding the adoption of Cloud Computing. The outcome 
of the survey will be the primary material for evaluating the perceived maturity of Cloud Computing standards. The results will also help to understand the interest and requirements of Cloud Computing stakeholders regarding certification.The survey is therefore targeting current and future Cloud Customers in the private and public sectors, SMEs as well as large organizations in all vertical sectors. Other stakeholders from the entire Cloud Computing eco-system (e.g. Cloud Computing providers) were also invited to answer. 
The present document: 
 - Presents the content of the survey, the methodology used for its preparation and distribution, information about the collected feedback as well as lessons learnt through the execution of the survey. 
 - Provides details resulting from the analysis of the collected survey feedback allowing to understand the needs of the Cloud Computing community on a more granular scale and to derive main trends and patterns as a result. 
 - Highlights conclusions and recommendations from the survey. This includes an identification of the cloud stakeholders' highest priorities leading to possible refinements of the CSC Phase 1 report conclusions. 

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