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A new milestone release (1.5.0) is now available for the Test Bed’s RDF, XML, JSON and CSV validators

New milestone release available for the Test Bed’s validators

Published on: 08/11/2023 News

A new milestone release (1.5.0) is now available for the Test Bed’s RDF, XML, JSON and CSV validators.

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Release 1.5.0 is now the latest available milestone release for the Test Bed’s RDF, XML, JSON and CSV validators. Milestone releases complement the validators’ continuous delivery model that provide rapid access to latest changes, by offering stable versions for users hosting validators on their own infrastructure. The highlights of this latest release are summarised below.

Security patch for HTTP/2 rapid reset vulnerability

This release upgrades the internal validators’ internal Tomcat server to address CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 rapid reset vulnerability), a vulnerability that made it easier to carry out DDoS attacks over HTTP/2. In case users are running validators that are directly exposed to end-users (i.e. without a patched reverse proxy), it is strongly advised to apply this update.

User-provided context files for XML validators

The XML validator now supports user-provided files, submitted alongside the input to validate, that serve to provide context for the validation. Such files, termed “context files”, could represent user settings or other reference data, that can now be accessed by preconfigured Schematron rules as part of the validator’s assertions. Similar to most other validator features, these context files are optional and can even vary depending on the specific validation types and options that are selected.

XML validator context files

Instructions and detailed examples on how to configure such context files are available in the XML validator’s online documentation.

Minor improvements

Besides its main highlights, this release also provides an opportunity to make available additional minor improvements:

  • Several bugs have been corrected linked to the validators’ REST API documentation, minimal user interface, and command line interface.
  • The validators’ base Docker image has been adapted to support installation on servers using ARM processors.
  • The validators’ internal third-party libraries have been updated to their latest versions and patched, as a precaution, to address non-applicable security vulnerabilities.

The full list of improvements and bug fixes is available in each validator’s change history documentation (see for RDF, XML, JSON and CSV).

Validator release references

The table below provides the relevant reference links for each validator. For the detailed list of updates introduced by the latest release check the change history links.

Validator Docker Hub image Documentation links
RDF validator isaitb/shacl-validator RDF validation guide | Change history
XML validator isaitb/xml-validator XML validation guide | Change history
JSON validator isaitb/json-validator JSON validation guide | Change history
CSV validator isaitb/csv-validator CSV validation guide | Change history


Remember that you can automatically receive updates for new milestone releases by either subscribing to the Test Bed community and configuring your notification preferences, or by subscribing to the validators’ GitHub repositories.

General details on the Test Bed itself can be found in its Joinup space with its value proposition being a good starting point for newcomers. If you are interested in receiving the Test Bed’s news, apart from subscribing to notifications, you may also follow the Interoperable Europe’s social media channels (XLinkedIn) for updates on the Test Bed and other interoperability solutions.

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