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New user interface available for the Test Bed's SHACL validation service

SHACL validator user interface

Published on: 05/07/2019 Last update: 22/04/2021 News

The ISA² Interoperability Test Bed's SHACL validation service now offers a web user interface.

Semantic web

As part of its effort to facilitate conformance testing for semantic specifications, the ISA² Interoperability Test Bed launched in April 2019 a reusable validation service for RDF vocabularies based on SHACL shapes. This service, complementing its already comprehensive support for XML-based specifications, was initially launched to offer validation through:

  • A REST API, allowing simple integration and also use through it's Swagger-based user interface.
  • A SOAP web service API, allowing SOAP-based machine-to-machine integration and importantly the ability to use the validator in GITD TDL test cases for complete conformance testing scenarios in the Test Bed.

These validation channels have now been augmented by an intuitive web user interface, that allows users to validate RDF content directly through their web browser.

SHACL UI input

The new user interface can be fully customised based on the configuration of the underlying validation service to address aspects such as available validation types, user-provided SHACL shapes and UI labels. In short, the new user interface allows:

  • Provision of the content to validate in numerous RDF formats via file upload, URI reference or direct input through an editor.
  • The extension of pre-configured SHACL shapes with any number of user-provided shapes, provided via file upload or as URI references (if enabled for the specific validator instance).
  • A detailed validation report, available also to download as a human-readable PDF report or in RDF as a SHACL Validation Report in any of the supported syntaxes.
SHACL UI report

Work now continues to extend the SHACL validation service by increasing the user interface customisation (e.g. simple theming, embeddable UI), and to allow download of the validator as a standalone command line tool for offline use. Be sure to become a member of our community to be notified when such new features become available and to stay up-to-date on other Test Bed news.

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