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ISA² interoperability test bed software 1.11.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 13/11/2020 Last update: 21/06/2024

Version 1.11.0 of the ISA² interoperability test bed software, based on the GITB CWA specifications, is now released. This release brings a range of improvements for all test bed users. Community administrators benefit from further customisation options through additional trigger events to react to test results, as well as fine-grained permissions to prevent modifications once testing has started. In addition, all users benefit from extended search capabilities on test sessions and conformance statements based on custom properties, session IDs and specification actors; and a redesigned test session display that clarifies output and extends presented information. These updates are further complemented by interface improvements such as progress indicators and status messages. Finally, this release also extends the GITB Test Description Language with new features such as customised output messages, termination of tests on errors and persistent validator outputs.

This new version is online in the ISA² interoperability test bed service but is also available for you to setup as a standalone instance. If a standalone instance best matches your needs, the following supporting resources are available:

If you are updating from a previous version, please follow the test bed's update guide.

Release Notes - Version 1.11.0

The following list summarises the issues included in this release, classified as bugs, improvements and new features. For more details click the issue key links (requires access to the test bed's issue tracker).


  • [ITB-508] - Test sessions that are pending but not started are not automatically terminated after the idle period
  • [ITB-735] - Community export with triggers and no linked data may cause imports to fail validation
  • [ITB-765] - Embedded XSDValidator fails to resolve XSDs with complex import hierarchies
  • [ITB-772] - User interaction steps should allow scrolling for long non-breaking text
  • [ITB-783] - Call step initialises prematurely and fails for missing input variables

New Feature

  • [ITB-428] - Test session variable recording the current overall test result status
  • [ITB-693] - Add loading indication on UI when waiting to load data
  • [ITB-698] - Extend GITB TDL to support a custom output message for the test session
  • [ITB-699] - Display test session output message in test session history display
  • [ITB-700] - Display test session output message in conformance statement detail page (per test case)
  • [ITB-701] - Display test session output message in conformance dashboard (per test case)
  • [ITB-702] - Display test session output message in conformance statement report (per test case)
  • [ITB-703] - Display test session output message in conformance certificate (per test case)
  • [ITB-712] - Add a user permission to prevent organisation data changes once tests are recorded
  • [ITB-713] - Add a user permission to prevent system data changes once tests are recorded
  • [ITB-714] - Add a user permission to prevent conformance statement changes once tests are recorded
  • [ITB-715] - Create trigger event for a completed test session
  • [ITB-716] - Create trigger event for a completed conformance statement
  • [ITB-736] - Allow community administrators to selectively delete test sessions
  • [ITB-737] - Create trigger event for a failed test session
  • [ITB-745] - Allow search of test sessions by session ID for administrators and users
  • [ITB-746] - Display test session ID to organisation users to facilitate support requests
  • [ITB-747] - Add "no data" row to all tables when they have finished loading and have no data to show
  • [ITB-749] - Allow the output returned from a validation service to be recorded in the test session context
  • [ITB-751] - Support search by specification actor in test session history screens
  • [ITB-767] - Configure a specific step failure to be fatal (i.e. immediately stop the test session)
  • [ITB-768] - Configure a test case to immediately fail upon any error
  • [ITB-769] - Configure a sequence of steps to immediately fail upon any error
  • [ITB-770] - Display test session output message in test case report


  • [ITB-534] - Replace completed test session display with sequence diagram presentation
  • [ITB-604] - Allow custom member properties to be optionally used for filtering
  • [ITB-738] - Display test session ID to organisation users in test history screen
  • [ITB-739] - Allow community administrators to download a test session report from the session dashboard
  • [ITB-740] - Show pending status for actions triggered via table row controls (e.g. test session export)
  • [ITB-741] - Improve display of test session status in session and conformance listings
  • [ITB-742] - Display test sessions' test suite to organisation users in test history screen
  • [ITB-744] - Display a conformance statement's overall status
  • [ITB-759] - Allow search filters to be minimised while still being enabled
  • [ITB-766] - Disable export buttons when no results are available
  • [ITB-771] - Include color coding for status displays in PDF reports
  • [ITB-773] - Support custom title for server interaction popups during test case execution
  • [ITB-775] - Always display test engine lifeline last in test session diagram
  • [ITB-778] - When a test session terminates at an intermediate step display remaining steps as skipped
Last update: 21/06/2024

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