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ISA² Interoperability Test Bed software 1.13.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 01/07/2021 Last update: 21/06/2024

Version 1.13.0 of the ISA² Interoperability Test Bed software, based on the GITB CWA specifications, is now released. This release brings important internal updates to the Test Bed by upgrading its components to use the latest middleware and framework versions. In addition, it resolves several reported bugs and makes improvements both with respect to test execution but also the operation of on-premise test bed instances. Regarding the GITB Test Description Language, this release brings several new features and improvements that facilitate the development of multi-step test cases. Apart from simplifying their execution, the test cases’ presentation is also enriched, allowing test developers to define test step grouping, display style and visibility, for a better structured and simplified presentation to users.

This new version is online in the ISA² Interoperability Test Bed service but is also available for you to setup as a standalone instance. If a standalone instance best matches your needs, the following supporting resources are available:

If you are updating from a previous version, please follow the Test Bed's update guide. Note that release 1.13.0 involves an important internal upgrade and although identical in its steps may take longer to complete. Please ensure to consult the update guide thoroughly before starting.

Release Notes - Version 1.13.0

The following list summarises the issues included in this release, classified as bugs, improvements and new features. For more details click the issue key links (requires access to the test bed's issue tracker).


  • [ITB-482] - Test case group tests executed but not displayed
  • [ITB-671] - Styling of WYSIWYG editors does not match exactly the final display
  • [ITB-900] - Tables displaying test sessions cannot be sorted
  • [ITB-901] - Unable to download test session report for archived sessions
  • [ITB-902] - Selected specifications not cleared when disabling search filters
  • [ITB-926] - When editing a trigger the already selected organisation and system do not appear as such
  • [ITB-929] - Importing a domain archive may not correctly match existing test suites
  • [ITB-938] - Test sessions fail to start when configuration is missing and actors have no configuration endpoints
  • [ITB-942] - Test session history filters for organisation users may contain duplicate test suites
  • [ITB-943] - Test history displays end time as default sort column for completed tests
  • [ITB-946] - Downloading a conformance statement parameter file fails if attempted immediately after uploading it
  • [ITB-947] - Conformance statement parameter editing allows empty values
  • [ITB-950] - Flow step description and documentation not displayed
  • [ITB-952] - Pending loop iteration steps do not appear as skipped when session stops
  • [ITB-956] - Test sessions may complete before notifying of final updates
  • [ITB-959] - Data import does not correctly update matching domain parameters of type "secret"
  • [ITB-965] - Prevent large custom titles for steps with sub-steps from breaking the display

New Feature

  • [ITB-704] - Extend all group step types to define if they are presented as collapsed by default
  • [ITB-805] - Allow a test bed master encryption password to be replaced
  • [ITB-814] - Allow test steps to be set as hidden
  • [ITB-966] - Allow test step groups to be collapsed and expanded by the user
  • [ITB-969] - Include a "Find out more" link in the footer links


  • [ITB-64] - Optionally make a processing service a visible test step
  • [ITB-155] - Concatenate and minify web assets
  • [ITB-300] - Minify web libraries
  • [ITB-619] - Update Angular dependency
  • [ITB-777] - Make test session log output more user friendly
  • [ITB-806] - Add restrictions to passwords set using the password replace feature
  • [ITB-871] - For non-SSO Test Bed instances enforce password restrictions
  • [ITB-898] - Migrate SSO security configuration to latest version
  • [ITB-899] - Correct namespace mapping log message when triggering new test sessions
  • [ITB-906] - Display loop step iterations' overall status in iteration selection dropdown of test diagram
  • [ITB-908] - Add pending indicators for all button actions
  • [ITB-915] - Upgrade MySQL to version 8
  • [ITB-927] - Allow community administrators to delete all organisation administrators
  • [ITB-960] - Ensure custom parameter values (domain, organisation, system, statement) of type "secret" are encrypted at rest
  • [ITB-961] - Make test step descriptions optional
  • [ITB-964] - For a non-SSO Test Bed instance request and represent the user email addresses as usernames
  • [ITB-967] - Remove email formatting requirements from usernames for non-SSO Test Bed instances
  • [ITB-968] - Make version number a link to the release notes


Last update: 21/06/2024

GITB software docker images

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