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ISA² Interoperability Test Bed software 1.14.1 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 06/09/2021 Last update: 21/06/2024

Version 1.14.1 of the ISA² Interoperability Test Bed software, based on the GITB CWA specifications, is now released. This is a minor maintenance release that corrects bugs, most notable of which is a problem that prevented the reuse of imported template files in GITB TDL test cases. In addition, minor improvements are made to the display of validation step reporting output.

This new version is online in the ISA² Interoperability Test Bed service but is also available for you to setup as a standalone instance. If a standalone instance best matches your needs, the following supporting resources are available:

If you are updating from a previous version, please follow the Test Bed's update guide.

Release Notes - Version 1.14.1

The following list summarises the issues included in this release, classified as bugs, improvements and new features. For more details click the issue key links (requires access to the test bed's issue tracker).


  • [ITB-1000] - Provide error feedback when attempting to open binary content in an editor
  • [ITB-1001] - Imported template files cannot be reused with different placeholder values


  • [ITB-890] - Allow a verify step's details to be minimised upon display
  • [ITB-891] - Allow a test suite validation report's details, displayed upon upload, to be minimised
  • [ITB-1002] - Use buttons instead of links when viewing a step report's items


Last update: 21/06/2024

GITB software docker images

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)