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Interoperability Test Bed software 1.16.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 18/03/2022 Last update: 21/06/2024

Version 1.16.0 of the Interoperability Test Bed software, based on the GITB CWA specifications, is now released. This release introduces numerous changes for the test bed’s user interface as well as the internal test engine. The key feature of this release is the test bed’s new machine-to-machine API that allows test sessions to be launched and managed via REST calls. The execution approach of test sessions is also extended to allow parallel or sequential test execution, as well as a redesigned test execution display that offers execution options and simplified monitoring when running large numbers of tests. Monitoring of active test sessions is also extended to allow easier following of updates and an enhanced session log experience by automatically updating log entries, allowing log tailing, filtering of log levels, highlighting of entries based on severity, as well as indications for received log updates. Viewing the details of conformance statements is also improved by allowing users to search for specific tests and filter based on status, while improving the display of statements and their status overview.

Several new features and improvements have also been made to the test engine and the GITB Test Description Language. Key extensions include the support for custom test services to contribute to test session logs, and the ability to declare how test cases support parallel execution. These features are complemented by numerous minor extensions such as the support for namespace declarations to simplify XML processing, new means of checking test steps’ status, and the improvement of step progress logging. Finally, this release introduces bug fixes for reported issues and internal performance enhancements to increase test session throughput.

This new version is online in the Interoperability Test Bed service hosted by DIGIT but is also available for you to setup as a standalone instance. If a standalone instance best matches your needs, the following supporting resources are available:

If you are updating from a previous version, please follow the Test Bed's update guide.

Release Notes - Version 1.16.0

The following list summarises the issues included in this release, classified as bugs, improvements and new features. For more details click the issue key links (requires access to the test bed's issue tracker).


  • [ITB-1110] - Remote messaging handlers signalled twice to finalize session
  • [ITB-1111] - A scriptlet should inherit the caller's stopOnError approach if it does not define it itself
  • [ITB-1115] - Container steps where internal arrows between actors go from right to left may not be correctly contained
  • [ITB-1116] - Test execution page limits unnecessarily compacts the display of test case names
  • [ITB-1119] - Using links in test suite and test case documentation may be blocked
  • [ITB-1122] - Test cases with multiple SUT actors pass test suite validation
  • [ITB-1140] - Session history page clips test case filter dropdown
  • [ITB-1153] - Test cases with actors having a set display order but that are not used break the test diagram display
  • [ITB-1162] - A test step with an explicit stopOnError approach should override the approach defined by its caller
  • [ITB-1166] - Long, non-breakable texts break table displays

New Feature

  • [ITB-387] - Allow execution of test cases via machine-to-machine API
  • [ITB-883] - Allow a test case definition to define whether it must run sequentially or can be parallelised
  • [ITB-884] - Extend the test engine to support batch test sessions executed in parallel or sequentially
  • [ITB-1068] - Allow custom GITB services to contribute session log output
  • [ITB-1069] - Allow the user to filter the test session log output based on severity levels
  • [ITB-1081] - Allow sorting of a community's organisations based on their registration sequence
  • [ITB-1094] - Filtering options for test cases in conformance statement details page
  • [ITB-1112] - Record the specific result (pending, success, failure, undefined, skipped) for each test step
  • [ITB-1120] - Allow users to choose whether test sessions launched in background batches should run in parallel or sequentially
  • [ITB-1121] - Allow users to refresh the status display of an active test session to monitor its progress
  • [ITB-1148] - Display badge for new log messages on test execution's log display button
  • [ITB-1158] - Allow the definition of namespaces for use in XPath expressions in test cases


  • [ITB-50] - Display message to user for an interactive session that is externally terminated
  • [ITB-1040] - Add tooltips to all buttons that are displayed as icons
  • [ITB-1061] - Limit proposed multi-select search filter options if too many in number
  • [ITB-1078] - Visually highlight log entries of different levels when viewing a test session log
  • [ITB-1083] - Remove blocking call within the Test Bed engine when initiating a test session
  • [ITB-1089] - Include step description (if defined in the test case) in the log output of a test session
  • [ITB-1092] - Automatically display self-registration settings when enabling self-registration for a community
  • [ITB-1093] - In the conformance statement details page display test cases and configuration parameters as tabs
  • [ITB-1096] - Allow justification of images in rich text content (e.g. landing pages and documentation)
  • [ITB-1097] - Move dashboard navigation shortcuts to the top of the display
  • [ITB-1126] - Provide more meaningful information when a test session fails because a test service could not be reached
  • [ITB-1128] - Allow administrators to view session logs for active test sessions
  • [ITB-1132] - Simplify the presentation of the conformance statement detail page
  • [ITB-1133] - Test sessions moved to the background after having started interactively should be ran sequentially
  • [ITB-1134] - Text search filters should be automatically applied when unfocused
  • [ITB-1135] - Make the conformance statement details panel collapsible
  • [ITB-1136] - Group together previous and upcoming test cases when executing several test cases in interactive mode
  • [ITB-1137] - Support display of missing information for actors with multiple configuration endpoints
  • [ITB-1138] - When executing multiple tests allow the user to hide/show completed and pending tests
  • [ITB-1139] - When executing multiple tests allow the user to choose whether they should continue automatically or manually
  • [ITB-1141] - Display loading indicator when filtering a community's organisations
  • [ITB-1144] - Pass test session ID to validation service calls
  • [ITB-1145] - Pass test session ID to processing service calls as the default session identifier
  • [ITB-1146] - Consider actor entries in test cases as simulated by default
  • [ITB-1147] - Automatically refresh the contents of the test session log display (if open) for newly received log messages
  • [ITB-1149] - Display and record a report of the inputs provided through user interaction steps
  • [ITB-1150] - Display interaction steps as being between the tester and the test engine, not the SUT actor itself
  • [ITB-1151] - Display the interaction step tester actor after SUT and SIMULATED actors
  • [ITB-1152] - Hide individual requests and instructions when displaying interaction steps
  • [ITB-1160] - Merge table columns containing buttons and hide the column title
  • [ITB-1161] - Allow sections of test case definition to be defined in any order
  • [ITB-1163] - While search results are being refreshed prevent interactions with the displayed results
  • [ITB-1164] - In test session dashboard displays allow collapsing the active and completed sections
  • [ITB-1165] - Display condensed test results for conformance statements using icons and counts
Last update: 21/06/2024

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