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ISA² interoperability test bed software 1.3.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 25/05/2018 Last update: 21/06/2024

Version 1.3.0 of the ISA² interoperability test bed software, based on the GITB CWA specifications, is now released. This version focuses on improving support for the GITB Test Description Language (TDL), improving the test execution process including automatic test suite execution, and providing additional tools for administrators and users to monitor their conformance testing progress.

This new version is online in the ISA² interoperability test bed service but is also available for you to setup as a standalone instance. If a standalone instance best matches your needs, the following supporting resources are available:

  • The introduction, installation and usage of the test bed, provided in the test bed's introductory handbook.
  • The source code of the test bed software.
  • The EUPL-based licence attached to the direct use of the source code.

Update instructions

This section applies to you if you are running your own test bed instance and want to update to version 1.3.0. The following steps are to be executed on the command line of the server running the test bed components.

Step 1 - Get the new test bed components

docker pull isaitb/gitb-ui:1.3.0
docker pull isaitb/gitb-srv:1.3.0

Step 2 - Shut down your current test bed components

docker stop gitb-ui gitb-srv
docker rm gitb-ui gitb-srv

Step 3 - Start the new test bed components

Remember to replace [PUBLIC_SERVER_ADDRESS] with the address corresponding to your instance.

docker run --name gitb-srv --net=gitb-net -p 8080-8380:8080-8380
   -e gitb.messaging.server-ip-address=[PUBLIC_SERVER_ADDRESS]
   -e gitb.messaging.callbackURL=http://[PUBLIC_SERVER_ADDRESS]:8080/itbsrv/MessagingClient
   -d --restart=unless-stopped isaitb/gitb-srv:1.3.0

docker run --name gitb-ui --net=gitb-net -p 9000:9000 -p 9090:9090 --volumes-from gitb-repo
   -d --restart=unless-stopped isaitb/gitb-ui:1.3.0

Your test bed instance is now successfully updated to version 1.3.0.

Release Notes - Version 1.3.0

The following list summarises the issues included in this release, classified as bugs, tasks, new features and improvements. For more details click the issue key links (requires access to the test bed's issue tracker).


  • [ITB-57] - User interaction to inform does nothing
  • [ITB-93] - Test execution in UI can continue displaying turning spanner for completed step
  • [ITB-156] - Organisation basic user can delete conformance statement
  • [ITB-161] - A missing type value for a test suite or test case causes an error on test suite upload
  • [ITB-164] - Uploaded test cases are mapped to actors based on their name, not ID
  • [ITB-169] - Unable to use preliminary steps in test case
  • [ITB-176] - User interface updates can get mixed in test session execution
  • [ITB-182] - Back button displayed multiple times when the test result includes conditional branches
  • [ITB-184] - Test session report does not include child steps for conditional branches
  • [ITB-188] - Flow step results are always reported inversely

New Feature

  • [ITB-72] - Conformance overview for administrators
  • [ITB-199] - Implement conformance statement report
  • [ITB-207] - Add feedback form
  • [ITB-208] - Add survey link


  • [ITB-60] - Run all test cases in test suite
  • [ITB-87] - Display different actor name in test cases (do not use actor ID)
  • [ITB-102] - Support authentication for remote service calls
  • [ITB-105] - Allow handler URLs to be part of the configuration
  • [ITB-119] - Introduce timeout for appropriate TDL elements
  • [ITB-137] - Allow domain-level configuration to be used in TDL expressions
  • [ITB-157] - Renamed "UNDEFINED" status to "NOT RAN"
  • [ITB-158] - Hide test execution wizard steps when not applicable
  • [ITB-159] - Show name and description of test case and test suite when running a test
  • [ITB-160] - Add Back button on test execution page
  • [ITB-162] - Make actor endpoints optional
  • [ITB-163] - Display actor name, not ID when executing test
  • [ITB-178] - Use variable references as foreach bounds
  • [ITB-179] - Allow user intructions without content
  • [ITB-180] - Consider default type for user instructions
  • [ITB-191] - Increase gateway timeout
  • [ITB-192] - Set STRING as default content type for interaction requests
  • [ITB-200] - Improve visual consistency of UI elements
  • [ITB-201] - Add cancel option for editing of domain elements
  • [ITB-203] - Allow variable references for configuration values
  • [ITB-204] - Allow embedded SoapMessaging handler to run over HTTPS
  • [ITB-209] - Allow community administrator to update community details
Last update: 21/06/2024

GITB software docker images

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)