High-level panel on personal data spaces with Natalia Aristimuño Pérez and Sir Tim Berners-Lee

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Published on: 14/09/2022 Last update: 10/08/2023

On the 22th of September, Interoperable Europe Digital Services Director Natalia Aristimuño Pérez will take part in a European high-level panel on personal data spaces at Digital Flanders’ annual GovTech Conference. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, will join as special guest. 

The main focus will be on safe and innovative ways of sharing personal data. Other high-level panelists will be Flanders Deputy Chief of Staff Jan Smedts, ATOS-Vice President Klaus Ottradovetz, and AI research leader at IMEC Steven Latré.

The European Commission has established the topic of implementing personal data spaces as a top priority. In this effort, the Commission is supported by the Flemish government and the team of Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Together they have taken an open, vendor-neutral, standards-based approach — called Solid — to implement a region-wide personal data ecosystem that delivers on the principles of the European Data Strategy

Next to implementing personal data spaces, the session will highlight public service initiatives that deliver on the European Strategy for Data, and will foster education and collaboration among the EU digital community regarding technologies and strategies for similar initiatives. 

Among others, participants attending the panel are invited to share their insights on the ongoing and planned European initiatives on personal data paradigms and to create a common understanding of the related hurdles and solutions. Furthermore, the session will be a large opportunity for stakeholders to get to know each other. 

Attend the conference

The conference can be attended either remotely or in-person in Ghent, Belgium (less than an hour from Brussels). The panel is scheduled for 11:15 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. Belgium time. 

If you are interested in attending the Digital Flanders’ annual GovTech conference, view the special page for the European Panel or register your attendance for this special session immediately here. The full agenda of the official conference page (written mainly in the Dutch language) can be consulted here.

Following the GovTech conference, Interoperable Europe will organize a series of virtual workshops and learning sessions, in which participants will have the opportunity to learn and share from one another regarding projects underway to implement European personal data paradigms. 

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