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Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms Plus(MIMs Plus): Living-in.EU Technical Specifications

MIMs plus - Technical specifications

Published on: 04/03/2024 Document

MIMs Plus consists of two parts: 

1. Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs) 

MIMs ( support institutional capacity development for connected places and work around three key layers: 

  • Interaction: knowledge and context information exchange, rules of access and use for data and services, and management of location data 
  • Integrity: protection of rights (personal data, privacy, dignity, equality,…), transparency (societal governance of all technology use and deployment), and security (systems and society) 
  • Impact: driven by societal objectives with measurable outcomes towards those objectives, taking into account existing indicators, analytics, and resource management frameworks

2. Relevant accompanying European standardisation initiatives (Plus).

The past and current relevant European standardisation initiatives under the ‘Plus’ banner refer to e.g. EIF4SCC, ISA2, CEF, INSPIRE, EIP-SSC, ELIS, LORDI, and others. On top of minimal interoperability, local governments and other stakeholders can scope broader standards into their work where needed, with an open-ended baseline that can evolve as needs arise.


See the current MIMs:


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