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The importance of promoting digital skills in the public sector

Published on: 15/04/2021 Last update: 19/04/2021 Event Archived

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Be there with us

We will be at the DigitALL Public conference! Join us in this important round table that aims to raise awareness on the importance of the digital skills in the Public Sector but also in the broader sense for other fields such as business and organisations in different sectors. The round table will be held on 21 April 2021 from 09.45 AM to 10:30 AM CET.

The role of digital skills is crucial

The demand for digital skills and online education has been increased. Are enablers such as the Interoperability Academy, the European Union Academy Digital Skills and Jobs Platform and other online platforms, projects and initiatives enough to pave the way towards the digital transformation? What are the main barriers and what further promotes the benefits of this continuously growing need? In this session experts from different fields and sectors will discuss how the barriers can transformed to benefits to support the ecosystem for the readiness of the Public Sector's digital transformation via continuous education.

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? Registration tip: You must use the email you have registered with the conference. If you have not done so, you can do it here and then click the above button.

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