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Living-in.EU 1st Mayors Digital Assembly

Published on: 07/06/2023 Last update: 08/06/2023 Event
Square Brussels, Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, B-1000 Brussels

Event Banner

On the 15th of June the Living-in.EU movement organises its first EU Mayors Digital Assembly, in the framework of the Brussels Urban Summit 2023

The Mayors' Digital Assembly is the political advisory body which provides strategic orientation to the Living-in.EU movement. The Mayors Digital Assembly is co-chaired by Mayor Seppo Määttä city of Oulu and Mayor Lluïsa Moret Sabidó city of Sant Boi de Llobregat. The annual event will be the occasion for mayors, regional presidents and other signatories to debate the political priorities of the movement and to launch new strategic coordinated actions to tackle some key challenges and advance the twin green and digital transformation of EU cities and communities. 

The event will have interpretation from and into English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

The event is dedicated to Living-in.EU current and potential signatories. If your city/region/member state is interested in signing the "Join, Boost, Sustain" Declaration, please contact Gabriela Ruseva, project coordinator of Go Li.EU project at

Register to the Living-in.EU Mayors Digital Assembly here!

If you are not a public administration representative, you can still register and follow the live streaming of the event. You will receive the link via email closer to the event date. 





08:30 - 09:00

Networking Breakfast: Enjoy a coffee and small bite while meeting up with other participants 

09:00 - 09:15

Opening by Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director General DG CONNECT (video message)

Welcome by the co-chairs, Mayor Seppo Määttä, city of Oulu and Mayor Lluïsa Moret Sabidó city of Sant Boi de Llobregat

09:15- 09:25

Key-Note Speech

09:25 - 10:00

Leading by Examples

Political debate opened by Mayor Seppo Määttä, city of Oulu

    • Mayor Seppo Määttä city of Oulu
    • Mayor Matteo Lepore, city of Bologna
    • Deputy Mayor Kata Tüttö, City of Budapest
10:00 - 10:30

Cities that leave no one behind:

Opened by Mayor Lluisa Moret i Sabidó, city of Sant Boi de Llobregat

    • Mayor Lluisa Moret i Sabidó, city of Sant Boi de Llobregat
    • Deputy mayor Delphine Jamet, Bordeaux metropole
    • Mayor Mathias De Clercq, city of Ghent
    • Regional minister Constance Nebbula, Pays de la Loire -  Angers Loire Metropole
10:30 - 10:35

Closing remarks by President Markku Markkula, Helsinki region, and CoR Ambassador to launch LORDIMAS, the local digital maturity assessment instrument.

10:35 - 11:00

Conclusions by moderator Luca Bertuzzi, journalist, EURACTIV

Signing of the Join Boost Sustain political declaration by new signatories

Physical location
Square Brussels, Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, B-1000 Brussels