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Migration to the Interoperable Europe LinkedIn Group

Important news for Joinup LinkedIn Group Members

Published on: 10/01/2024 News

Dear Joinup LinkedIn Community,

We'd like to inform you of an upcoming migration of our LinkedIn group to the Interoperable Europe LinkedIn Group. To avoid missing future Joinup LinkedIn posts, please join the latter group as soon as possible.

As a member of the Interoperable Europe LinkedIn Group you’ll be able to stay up to date with Joinup news, create your own posts, and interact with other peers. You'll also enjoy additional insights on:

  • Interoperable Europe Academy: Advancing digital skills in Public Administrations.
  • National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO): Providing insights into digital public administration across EU Member States.
  • Open-Source Observatory (OSOR): Disseminating FOSS knowledge and promoting open source in European Public Administrations.
  • Public Sector Tech Watch: Uncovering knowledge on emerging technologies in the European Public Sector.
  • SEMIC Support Centre: Advocating for semantic #interoperability.
  • Digital-Ready Policymaking: Bridging stakeholders for effective policy design and implementation through digital means.

Join the Interoperable Europe LinkedIn Group here: 


A heartfelt THANK YOU to our nearly two thousand members for your active participation and engagement! Let’s continue our interaction in the Interoperable Europe LinkedIn Group!

The Joinup Team