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Joinup - Scoping activities

Joinup - Scoping activities

Published on: 10/06/2015 Last update: 31/10/2017 News Archived
  1. The Joinup catalogue
  2. Evaluation process
  3. Results

The Joinup catalogue 

The Joinup catalogue project started seven years ago as an effort to capture relevant solutions in the European Union on a central platform. In a later phase, to enhance and promote meta-data, ADMS was introduced as a standard way to provide rich information about solutions.

It is time to thank all those who participated and are still contributing to create this collaborative space to share and discuss around aspects of interoperability solutions for public administrations.

Currently, the interoperability solutions catalogue features a steadily increasing collection of (re)usable solutions of different types, either hosted directly on Joinup or coming from the repositories of EU Member States and Institutions, EU-funded projects, standardisation organisations and the industry. The (re)use of ICT specifications, services, software and tools can accelerate the delivery of public sector projects and at the same time reduce their risks and cost. The ISA Programme of the European Commission understands that public administrations need a platform where relevant and specifically targeted solutions can be found.

Evaluation process

We are currently in the process of evaluating the scope and quality of the solutions that are available on Joinup. The information regarding the scope statement and eligibility criteria used  for Joinup is available here. Additionally, you will find some compliance guidelines.

The evaluation process would be carried out in different stages, comprising the following actions and times:

  • First wave [1st June – 30th June]: Language and relevance aspects will be evaluated.
    • Phase a [1st June – 15th June]:  Solutions belonging to repositories.
    • Phase b [15th June – 30th June]: Solutions belonging to projects.
  • Second wave [1st July – 1st August]: Quality and licensing aspects will be evaluated.
  • Third wave [TBD]: Reusability aspects will be evaluated.

As a result, and after concluding this evaluation process, most of the solutions on Joinup will be improved in conformity with the criteria. However, those solutions not meeting the criteria could be excluded from the catalogue after the stated period.

During this period of evaluation, an email will be sent to solutions owners explaining the result regarding their solution(s). The communication can include the required information to improve the solution(s) and the estimated time to do it.

We encourage you to further provide the required information to increase the reusability of the existing solutions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comment. We would be delighted to receive your feedback and consider it for the evolution and future progress of the Joinup catalogue.


The results of the evaluation process will be available after concluding the different waves defined to this end.