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La Junta de Andalucia
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The system will verify that the computer system to soporte da checks the quality of the software delivered for Junta de Andalucía, and is part of the subsystem checks Madej. Project and motivations objetivos ; Verify tiene como Objective secure the quality mediante adecuación the checks to the Guidelines of the subsystems and referrals Madej. Estas Guidelines and referrals are available publicly suit all participants proceso de desarrollo software, destacándo Matrices of the checks guidelines, and resources Procedimientos the subsystems and Areas Madej. ; Verify is a set of tools and an Integrated web interface, which measure the bleachers permite adecuación to dichas Matrices entregado software verifications. Furthermore, the system is published in the Matrices Manager Documentary Madej. ; Verify da soporte of the Verification Process, Procedures that computer should follow the different Participantes to verify the quality of delivery.


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