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Solutions providing support to various branches of the Justice Administration and to the legal production process.
European Commission
Supra-national authority
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This collection encompasses solutions providing support to various branches of the Justice Administration and to the legal production process. Some examples may be:

  • solutions facilitating easier access, exchange and reuse of legislation both at European and Member State level, taking into account the diverse ways in which legal information is organised and classified through the EU;
  • solutions supporting the creation of legislative documents;
  • solutions for the administration of Justice;
  • solutions supporting law enforcement and security activities.

Such solutions are also meant to allow the exchange of information among Member States, in the framework of an ever increasing cooperation for justice and law enforcement activities.

Last update: 07/11/2013

Improving the Legislative Process through Electronic Workflow Management: The Case of Austria

Last update: 21/12/2011

e-CODEX - e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange

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