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Domain Interopability Bus (DOMIBUS) Switch to the latest release

Published on: 11/02/2016 Last update: 15/02/2016 Archived


e-CODEX is a multilateral, content agnostic, e-Delivery infrastructure that uses building blocks from previous large scale projects to develop a single pan-European interoperability layer to support cross-border e-Justice services. The e-Delivery infrastructure called Domain Interopability Bus (DOMIBUS) consists of two main elements, which are the Gateway and the generic Connector framework handling the e-CODEX specific functionalities and components. Once the Gateways and National Connectors are up and running they provide the e-Delivery functionalities required to get pilots running. The main function of the Gateway is the exchange of messages with other Gateways while the National Connector carries out the adaptations required by its corresponding Service Provider. The figure describes the e-CODEX high-level infrastructure representation, including two national examples and the e-Justice portal access for EU citizens, companies and legal practitioners who do not have access to or do not prefer to use a national solution.




Domibus Gateway


The Gateway of the e-CODEX project is a piece of software that is responsible for several tasks. The basic functionality of the Gateway is the e-Delivery, which is the exchange of messages between partners. This functionality is performed by the whole set of modules within the Gateway. Each Gateway’s features, and modules that provide it, are listed below:

• Compliance with  ebMS 3.0 standard

• p-modes configuration: the way ebXML messages are sent and processed between two Gateways is defined by the p-modes files.

• Security: The Security module signs and encrypts the communication between the different Gateways.

• Reliability: The Reliability module implements Reliability and Quality of Service configurable behaviour (AS4 is used here – not WS-Reliability or WS reliable messaging).

• Logging: the Logging module enables the administrator to configure log levels and choose the log medium to be used (database or file).

• Web service interfaces: The Backend interface for communications with the national Connector is implemented in the web service interface. Communication between Connector and Gateway is performed through a web service interface.


Domibus Connector


According to its particular settings, each e-CODEX participant must perform some adaptations to the messages. The Connector Framework provided by e-CODEX is a generic set of modules which aims to provide the common functionality which is needed by every piloting MS. The MS specific parts will need some specific and dedicated implementation using well-defined interfaces and most participants have found it relatively easy to make these adaptations. The Connector framework implements two workflows, one for sending messages from the national backend system to the Gateway (outgoing workflow) and the other one for receiving messages from the Gateway and forwarding them to the national backend system (incoming workflow). The Connector consists of a controller which implements and controls the whole workflow between the components. The connection of the Connector to the national Backend System must be provided by the MS and be configured as a plugin. For internal use, e.g. storing message IDs, a small data-base is needed.


Domibus Web Admin


In order to provide statistics about incoming and outgoing messages a simple Web GUI has been developed. With this tool messages can be filtered after timestamp, sender, seciver and message type. The results can be exported in csv and pdf format.


Domibus Standalone Connector


For those member states which do not have any national e-Delivery infrastructure in place, but still want to use e-CODEX a standalone connector has been developed. This is a full implementation of the connector framework and can be used out of the box. All incoming and outgoing message are stored on the file system




Last update: 23/10/2019

Domibus Connector

Last update: 23/10/2019

Domibus GW

Last update: 23/10/2019

Domibus WebAdmin

Last update: 23/10/2019

Domibus Standalone Connector