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LEOS - Open Source software for editing legislation Switch to the latest release

Published on: 10/07/2015 Last update: 05/07/2024

This prototype has been developed in the context of the action 1.13 of the ISA program. It enables to create and draft legislative documents via a web user interface. Content is stored in an XML formal, currently Akoma Ntoso V2. The prototype currently supports acts issued by the European Commission (proposal for a directive, for a regulation...) but it can be extended to support other legislative tradition.


More information on the action available at…



  • creation of an act from a template
  • management of higher divisions with drag and drop (chapters, sections...)
  • wysiwyg edition of article contents (paragraphs, alineas, points...)
  • versioning, comparison of versions
  • several users editing an act at the same time
  • generation of human readable view (HTML, pdf)