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LEOS 4.0.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 02/05/2023 Last update: 05/07/2024

Compatible with:

What’s new?

The main differences compared to the previous version are:

New Template

  • New Financial Statement template added to catalog

AKN4EU Baseline

  • LEOS compliant with AKN4EU Baseline version:
    • New List structure adopted : Support for Introductory part on Lists;
    • Auto migration of old documents upon opening with user feedback;
    • Alineas replaced by SubParagraph elements;

Integration Services

  • New REST interfaces for exposing services layer;


  • Improved feedback feature;
  • Improved annotation edition stability;
  • Fixed text anchoring issues regarding highlight and textual links;

Technical Improvements

  • Revision:
    • Annexes:
      • Set base for comparison on Annexes only;
    • Statement of Council Reasons:
      • Higher sub-divisions editable through CkEditor;
      • Improved diffing export;
      • Improved document edition;
  • Definition Articles depth limited to 3 levels;
  • Export of Annexes including cover page;
  • Allow copy&paste of text including internal references;
  • Improved user experience with better alignment between CkEditor edition pane and document view;
  • Internal references: Added explanation tooltip when broken reference is found;
  • CkEDitor: Special characters lists enlarged with checked and unchecked checkbox;
  • Improved annexes styles;
  • Improved footnotes handling;
  • Sanitizing of non-breaking white spaces done upon copy&paste into CkEditor;

Bug Fixes

  • Search&Replace: Replace All improved stability;
  • Duplicate IDs issue fixed while creating points in Annexes;
  • Stabilization of co-edition functionality;
  • Drafting
    • Fork&Merge:
      • Improved stabilization of table diffing;
      • Improved stabilization on structural changes like element re-placement within document;
      • Improved stabilization of autonumbering;
  • Revision
    • Fixed export content issues on export to eConsilium feature;
    • Improved handling of Division elements;
    • Fixed issues of missing content upon version comparison;
    • Improved stability of Explanatory Memorandum drafting;

Angular UI

  • [preview] New user interface based on Angular has been included in this release in it's current state of development. It does not replace Vaadin UI just yet, but it can be accessed to have a glimpse into the future version of LEOS.

Get in touch

We are envisaging to create an open source community on software for legislation drafting, in order to share best practices, experiences, expertise, and why not code!!

Should you be interested in joining our open source community, or you would just like to share with us some observations on our work:

We are looking forward to hearing from you,

The LEOS Team

Last update: 04/05/2023

LEOS 4.0.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)