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Joseph Saviour Azzopardi - Enterprise Data Manager (Gov of Malta)
National authority
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The National Data Portal is a shared IT platform which is designed to enable the discovery, maintenance
and consumption of "datasets" pertaining to the Foundation Data Layer.

The Foundation Data layer comprises a number of legally based official registers containing the
administrative and data governance registers which is the backbone and the primary enabler of the Once-
Only principle implementation.

The National Data Portal incorporates the Open Data Portal for Malta and at the same time and in a holistic
approach to data management enables the public administration entities from at least (currently) fifteen
different ministries and a number of subsidiary entities and autonomous authorities to share the data and IT

This enables a national approach to data management which is aimed to achieve a one-stop shop for data
governance and management within the whole public administration in Malta and extends into the citizen
and business realms through the Open Data functionality.

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