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Report on the analysis and design for a common conceptual model for observatories

Common Conceptual Model for Observatories

Published on: 08/05/2023 Last update: 15/06/2023 Document

The EU has put on the table significant resources to support the digital transformation, accelerate digitalisation, increase the Union’s resilience, and reduce external dependencies with both reforms and investments.

The 2017 Tallinn Declaration on eGovernment marked a milestone for a service-oriented, reliable, and innovative eGovernment in Europe. As a next step, the Berlin Declaration recognises the public sector as an essential element for the European Single Market and a driver for new and innovative technological solutions for public services and societal challenges.

National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO) is exploring methods to standardise the data obtained from various observatories, determine the essential shared concepts, and establish a fundamental observatory conceptual model that can record universal metadata for all observatories. The objective is to provide additional support to Member States and their public administrations.

The scope of this document, developed by DIGIT B2-Interoperability Unit, with the support of the JRC, is to analyse currently existing monitoring schemes, practices, techniques, and indicators for digital transformation of government and interoperability (e.g., e-Goverment Benchmark, EIF/NIFO monitoring mechanism, DESI, LORDI, Berlin Declaration monitoring). The aim of the analysis is to identify a set of shared concepts and define a common model for exchanging/providing the data for the different monitoring schemes, and approaches that will provide direct benefits to the participants (data/metadata about observatories, but not indicators data).

This document summarises the analysis findings and main outcome.


Type of document
General case study

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Last update: 24/06/2024

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