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Governance - Greece

The table below aims at gathering the administrative and governmental bodies of Greece, which are responsible for digital public administration policies and interoperability policies. 




The Ministry of Digital Governance was established in 2019 with the objective of bringing together all information technology and telecommunications structures related to the provision of digital services to citizens and businesses in the country. The strategic target is to provide the necessary framework for citizens and businesses in Greece to truly benefit from an inclusive Digital Single Market in the European Union, by both designing and using effective digital services in a broad range of sectors, including public administration, justice, health, energy and transportation. 

Dimitris Papastergiou

Dimitris Papastergiou 

Minister of Digital Governance




Konstantinos Kyranakis

Konstantinos Kyranakis 

Deputy Minister of Digital Governance 




The General Secretariat of Digital Governance and Simplification of Procedures has been mandated to:  

  • Design and implement the government digital transformation policy, promote digitisation and the use of eGovernment practices throughout the Public Sector; 

  • Develop and promote digital skills and provide related training opportunities to all target groups; and 

  • Undertake all necessary initiatives to simplify administrative procedures across the public sector and transform them into digital processes, avoiding the development of digital red-tape 

Konstantinos Karantzalos

Konstantinos Karantzalos   

Secretary-General of Telecommunications and Post 



The General Directorate of Telecommunications and Post  is the competent authority for Telecommunications and Post with the following responsibilities: 

  • The development and implementation of national policy and the participation in the creation of an appropriate institutional framework, at European and international level; 

  • The development and implementation of policies for fixed and remote telecommunication networks, to improve competitiveness and promote economic and social cohesion; 

  • The exploitation of quantum technologies on building secure telecommunication networks; 

  • The provision of high-quality broadband services across the nation through the development of robust and resilient networks;

  • The development, implementation, coordination and planning of activities and actions, related to space matters, also with the European Space Agency and the European Commission. 

The General Directorate of Telecommunications and Post considers broadband as a central pillar for the digital economy. With a view to making Greece a smart nation and facilitating the transition to a digital economy, the General Directorate of Telecommunications and Post has started the implementation of the National Broadband Plan, which encompasses broadband activities providing coverage of over 90% to the population in rural areas. 


Following the adoption of Law No. 4635/2019 (see Article 50 – National Gazette 167/A/30.10.2019), the former Directorate for Cybersecurity was upgraded to the General Directorate for Cybersecurity at the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Post of the Ministry of Digital Governance. The General Directorate currently consists of four directorates (see p.d. 40/2020, National Gazette 85/A/15.4.2020), namely:  

  • The Cybersecurity Strategic Planning Directorate; 

  • The Prevention and Protection Directorate; 

  • The Business Continuity Directorate; and 

  • The Coordination of Entities Directorate. 

The General Directorate for Cybersecurity operates as the National Cybersecurity Authority and is responsible for formulating and managing the implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy, as well as coordinating entities throughout the enactment of the required implementing measures. In this context, the General Directorate for Cybersecurity is competent for the definition of appropriate organisational, technical, and operational measures and their application by the respective entities. 

The mission of the General Secretariat of Information Systems for Public Administration (GSISPA) is to design, develop, produce and use ICT for the Ministry of Digital Governance, the Ministry of Finance and the public administration in general.

The General Secretariat of Information Systems for Public Administration manages the information systems of all services of the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Ministry of Finance. It also hosts the systems of the Independent Public Revenue Authority, pursuant to Article 37 of Law 4389/2016 (Government Gazette 94/A/27-5-2016), as well as those of other public administration entities.

In addition, the General Secretariat ensures the proper and uninterrupted operation of electronic services provided to citizens, businesses and public administrations through its central, regional and backup computing infrastructures and applications, and the implementation of the required security and protection measures to infrastructure, software and data to avoid malicious attacks.

Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos

Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos

Secretary-General of Public Administration Information Systems




Information Society S.A. is the executive support arm for the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) projects in the public sector, as well as State aid actions in ICT, assisting in the implementation of the Digital Transformation Bible in Greece.  The company participates in the specialization of the digital strategy of the country, implements ICT projects financed by the EU Structural and Investment Funds, the Public Investment Program, the Recovery Fund or through Public-Private Partnerships, supports the identification of needs in ICT projects and provides specialized support to organizations throughout the life cycle of the ICT projects they have been called upon to implement. 

With great know-how and experience in the design, implementation, and management of innovative e-government projects and actions, its purpose today is to assist the Ministry of Digital Government in all actions and projects aimed at: 

  • Upgrading the online service of citizens and businesses; 

  • Increase transparency

  • Strengthening entrepreneurship and healthy competition; 

  • Enhancing interoperability at all levels;

  • Increasing the productivity and efficiency of public bodies and the general improvement of Public Administration. 

The Electronic Government of Social Security (EGSS) supports the Ministry of Digital Government in the implementation of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) projects of Social Security Institutions, as well as their extensions. It provides complete high-quality solutions that support the proper, complete, and effective operation of social security and health care providers in the long run and serve the citizens, through the provision of modern electronic services and information. 

It supports the achievement of the following goals: 

  • The development and maintenance of nationwide electronic services in the fields of social security and health; and 

  • The modernisation, standardisation and updating of the applications of social security and other public institutions. 

The National Network of Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET) is a consultant to the Ministry of Digital Governance on the design of advanced information systems and infrastructure. It contributes to digital transformation with in-depth analyses, technological studies, standard solutions, and special know-how. GRNET provides networking and cloud computing services to academic and research institutions, educational bodies at all levels, and agencies of the public, broader public and private sector. It is responsible for promoting and disseminating network and computing technologies and applications, as well as promoting and implementing Greece’s digital transformation goals. Thus, GRNET leverages educational and research activities in the country towards the development of applied and technological research in the fields of telecommunication networks and computing services. 

At the end of 2020, acknowledging human capital and digital skills as significant factors in the success of digital transformation, the Ministry of Digital Governance proceeded to establish the Directorate of Digital Competences within the GRNET. The Directorate’s main scope is to implement the interventions of the Digital Transformation Bible regarding the development of digital skills among all citizens. 

The implementation plan of the Directorate will focus on the following: 

  • Developing the Greek framework, in alignment with Europe’s Digital Competences framework, to which it will act as a reference for the development of courses and certifications on digital competences; 

  • Establishing a digital public administration portal which will act as the central point of the Greek digital competences’ ecosystem; 

  • Designing educational programmes based on the Greek Digital Competences Framework and assist educational institutions with their development and implementation; 

  • Designing and implementing educational programmes addressed to specific segments of the population (such as the elderly, the disadvantaged, the rural population, refugees etc.); and 

  • Developing and implementing awareness campaigns on matters related to digital competencies. 

The Managing and Implementing Authority for Information and Communication Technologies was established at the Ministry of Digital Government, with Article 20 of Law No. 4623/2019 (Government Gazette 134/Α/09.08.2019) and reports directly to the Minister of Digital Government. It has the following responsibilities: 

  • Duties as Managing Authority in the department of Sectoral Business Programmes concerning Information and Communication Technologies, as defined by its designation as an Intermediate Body; 

  • Designing policies of the Ministry, as well as planning, specialisation, preparation and implementation of projects or actions that are co-financed by the European Structural & Investment programme and other co-financed programmes and/or financial instruments of the EU; and 

  • Strengthening the administrative capacity of the services of the Ministry of Digital Governance regarding the implementation of actions of the Operational Programmes. 

Based on Article 24, 39 and 47 of Law No. 4623/2019 (Government Gazette 134/A/9-8-2019) and Law No. 4727/2020 (Government Gazette 84/A/23-9-2020), the Departments of Electronic Governance and Interoperability and Interoperability and  the Electronic Services of the Ministry of Digital Governance are responsible for dealing with policy, legal, organisational, semantic, technical and operational issues regarding interoperability Moreover, the Ministry of Digital Governance issues ministerial decisions for the provision of Web services for the interconnection of Public Bodies’ Information Systems.

The Interoperability Centre is the only electronic platform for interoperability and data exchange between entities (Government Gazette 3990/B/1-11-2019). The Interoperability Centre fully complies with the current Information Systems Security Framework of the General Secretariat of Information Systems for Public Administration. In this regard, priority is given to the interconnection of the following national registries: 

  • National Registry of the Insured and Pensioners (Social Security Number); 

  • National Registries of Employed and Unemployed; 

  • National Citizens Registry;  

  • Tax Registries; 

  • Registry of Security Forces; 

  • National Registry of Properties; 

  • Ministry of Education Registries; 

  • National Registry of Vehicles; 

  • Police Registry (Identity Card Number); 

  • General Commercial Registry; 

  • Data from the Ministry of Migration and Asylum; 

  • Registry of Public Servants; and 

  • Registry of Citizens’ Communication Data. 

In addition, the Interoperability Centre is responsible for the distribution of electronic invoices for public procurement. The interconnection of the base registries will lead to a series of improvements, such as faster issuance of ID cards and passports through data stemming from the National Citizens Registry. 

The Hellenic Data Protection Authority is an independent administrative body operating since November 1997. Its mission is to supervise the implementation of Law No. 2472/1997 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to personal data processing. The Authority reports to the Minister of Justice. 

Any public body managing personalised information should ensure that its internal audit system and websites comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) should in particular: (i) inform and advise the controller and the processor about their obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation and other EU provisions, and national regulations on data protection; (ii) provide advice, when requested, on the assessment of data protection impacts and monitor implementation in accordance with Article 35 of the General Data Protection Regulation; and (iii) cooperate with the supervisory authority and act as a point of contact with the supervisory authority and data subjects on all processing-related issues. 

The Greek State is highly decentralised. The main regional and local administrative units, namely 13 peripheries and 332 municipalities, are self-governed and thus responsible for the administration of local issues, including their eGovernment strategic organisation. Under the Kalikratis Programme, many competences related to eGovernment implementation have been transferred to the municipal level. For instance, since 2010 some services of the Urban Planning Authorities, along with some social protection services, have been transferred to the municipal level. 

The Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government (EETAA), operating as a joint-stock company, provides local government agencies, the public sector and social agencies with the professional and technical IT support they request.

All organisational bodies are obliged to have a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who represents them and cooperates with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.