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Report on the state-of-play of digital public administration and interoperability

The reports aim at shedding light on the various initiatives that have been put in place by the European countries falling within the scope of this study as well as by the European Commission, to foster digital public administration and interoperability.

To do so, the reports offer a thorough content analysis of political communications, legislative initiatives, and digital infrastructures, which was carried out in order to determine the progress that has been made with regards to the digital transformation and digital transition of European public administrations across Europe. Additionally, the results of the EIF implementation by the 35 European countries included in the sample of the study are presented in the report and then further analysed so as to provide an overview of the current state-of-play of interoperability across Europe.

To access the different editions of the State-of-play report, click on the following links:





SoP report