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Stories of use cases: Open data and a new push for European democracy

Published on: 11/05/2023 Event

The third webinar in the series ‘Stories of use cases’ will take place on 26 May, from 10.00 to 11.30 CEST. It will focus on how open data can support the key priority of ‘a new push for European democracy’presenting examples of open-data-driven initiatives that nurture, protect and strengthen democracy.

The use cases presented during this webinar will be gathered from different sources, including:

  • the Use Case Observatory: measures the economic, governmental, social, and environmental impact of open data by monitoring 30 cases of open data reuse over four years: from 2022 until 2025.
  • the EU Datathon: EU’s open data competition creating project within various categories, all highly relevant to the challenges Europe faces today.
  • the use case repository.

The webinar will serve as a discussion platform, where speakers and attendees can learn from each other, share their experiences, and get inspired from other best practices in Europe. To allow more interaction, following the use cases presentation, the moderator will open a panel discussion with questions from the audience.

Topics to be covered:

  • What does the ‘New Push for European Democracy’ stand for?
  • How can open data support this priority?
  • What open data initiatives are currently aligned and aid the fulfilment of this priority?
  • What are examples of use cases falling under this key priority and what is their impact on society?


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The series 'Stories of use cases' will cover each of the European Commission’s political priorities and how open data can support these global objectives. More specifically, the series will explore how open data can support priorities such as A European Green DealPromoting our European Way of LifeA Europe Fit for a Digital Agea New Push for European Democracy; and an Economy that Works for People


Webinar: Stories of use cases 3


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