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EU Datathon 2022: Meet the teams behind the apps

Video series about EU Datathon 2022 finalists

Published on: 20/09/2022 News Archived

This year´s edition of the EU Datathon, the annual EU open data competition organised by the Publications Office of the European Union, promises to be particularly worthwhile. With 159 entries from 38 countries, the highest number so far in the EU Datathon’s history, we can expect an exciting final competition.

In the run-up to the October finale, meet the 12 EU Datathon finalist teams and peek behind the scenes! Launched at the beginning of September, 'Teams behind the apps' is a series of 1-minute videos prepared by the finalists. In the videos, you can learn more about the teams and the apps they are working on.

Watch the already published videos and follow the series, as new episodes are released every week. To find out more about the finalists, read interviews with the teams and check the EU Datathon website.

If you haven't registered for the finals yet, remember to book your spot! The final event will take place on 20 October 2022. What's on the programme? Check the agenda and book your place to follow online, join in the discussions, and help choose the winner of the Public Choice Award.


EU Datathon 2022: 'Teams behind the apps'

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