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OGS Study


New generation of eGovernment Services: what, why and how!

Welcome to the area devoted to discussing the draft outputs and results of the ongoing study on the new generation of eGovernment services and how can the public sector become an agent of innovation. The study has been launched in August 2015 by the European Commission in order to provide a robust and shared definition of new eGovernment services, assess the value of these and understand how the public sector can become a means for innovation.

The aim of the study was to produce a definition and taxonomy of new eGovernment services, carry out a cost-benefit analysis of 10 representative cases, as well as to define a new scenario of public sector innovation, also to support the implementation of new eGovernment services.

In this respect a new wave of public services has emerged, that is collaborative and open in nature. It has become the central tenet of eGovernment policies, but its definition is still fuzzy. There is the sense of urgency and novelty, but it is still unclear what exactly it is, and the benefits it entails. There have been efforts to capture the complex dimensions of the benefits but we are still far from a robust case for a new generation of eGovernment services. And Open Government is not just a new set of services: it is a new way to innovate public services, more participative and open.

The study, carried out by PwC, Open Evidence and by the Institute for Baltic Studies, opened up its work throughout the various phases to stakeholders through extensive online engagement.

In this area we have shared the draft outputs of the study for everyone to contribute.

What: Definition and Taxonomy

This area presents the draft version of the taxonomy of new eGovernment services (also referred to as “Open eGovernment Services”, or as “Open Government Services”). The scope of the taxonomy and its categories can be consulted and commented simply clicking on this link. Also the discussion on what are Open Government Services can be enriched by commenting on our tentative definition of them.

Why: Measuring impact

This area presents a cost-benefit analysis of representative cases of new eGovernment services. Please help us by suggesting new cases and by adding comments to the existing ones, clicking on this link.

How: Public sector innovation

This area presents the policy recommendations on how to foster public sector innovation through ICT in an open government context, and what are the methods to generate new eGovernment services. 

How Can the Public Sector Become an Agent of Innovation?

The workshop aimed to generate collective insight into public sector innovation for Open eGovernment Services (OGS). It is clear that OGS require a deep change in the machinery of government, but also they act as an incentive for change through for example increased transparency and collaboration. The study has analysed several cases in order to understand the key costs and benefits of OGS. The workshop therefore aimed to analyse in depth the rationale and drivers behind these cases, in order to draw lessons and develop future scenarios.

The event was strategically positioned at the beginning of the third and final phase of the study.

  • The first phase aimed at defining WHAT are Open eGovernment Services, providing a definition and taxonomy
  • The second phase aimed at analysing WHY OGS are important, in terms of benefits achieved
  • The third phase aims to understand HOW this innovation happens and how we can accelerate it with appropriate policy measures

Table of contents