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Slovakia: 40% ICT systems to use open source by 2020

Slovakia: 40% ICT systems to…

Published on: 31/10/2016 News Archived

By 2020, 40% of public administration ICT systems in Slovakia should use open source software. This open source target is part of the country’s ICT architecture, which was updated in September.

Slovakia’s Národná koncepcia informatizácie verejnej správy (NKIVS - national eGovernment concept) emphasises openness, including the sharing of government data as open data, and the creating of ICT services with open application programming interfaces (APIs). This should allow for the creation of external web services, commercial or non-commercial.

The Open Government Partnership website for the Slovak Republic

Open source will also probably feature in the soon to be published new Open Government Partnership plan. In recent months, the draft text of this new OGP plan has been open for public comments.

The draft includes for example plans for an inventory of the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of the use of open source software by public administrations. The study is to be completed by the end of 2017. The OGP draft also wants the government to see if it can publish its own software solutions as open source, and to create a list of these solutions to explain its use and its licence.

More information:

Announcement by Informatizacia (in Slovak)
Draft Open Government Partnership plan
ePractice news item