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Belgian Government.
Created by Fedict, Belgian Federal Public Service for Information & Communication Technology in collaboration with several other Belgian Public Services.
National authority

Belgian project created in order to standardize the usage of country codes between different Administrations. This information is meant to be communicated with citizen, enterprises, belgian administration and other member states.
This is being led by a lack of agility using the ISO codes and for transitions

Belgium has to deal with information coming from several countries. Those have to be represented in a standardized way. In some cases, ISO codes could not be used. Those cases are described in our documentation.
Belgium decided to create its own authoritative source in order to deal with such a problem. This is meant to be compatible with ISO as well as the most internaly used historical belgium format.
It is meant to be used for addresses, birthplace, nationalities, etc.

Release date: 25/07/2011

belgian_countrycode_project-bu 0.1.0

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