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Barbara-Chiara Ubaldi


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Digital Government Lead, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Barbara Ubaldi is a senior project manager at the OECD leading the Unit responsible for the work on Digital Government, Open Data and Data-driven Public Sector within the Division for Public Sector Reform of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate.

Barbara manages thematic reviews on digital government and open data, and co-ordinates the work on the use of new technologies, social media and Open Data in governments (OGD) to enhance public sector’s openness, efficiency and innovation.

Prior to the OECD she served for over seven years as Programme Officer for E-Government and Knowledge Management at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York. She gathered extensive experience working with developing countries on digital government, ICT and knowledge management for development.

Specifically on OGD, Barbara oversees the development of the OECD OURdata index, which assesses governments’ efforts to implement open data in three areas: Openness, Usefulness and Re-usability of government data to deliver value. More information on the index and country reviews:




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