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Submitted IT Solutions


Cross border category

Name of the solution Institution name Country Type of the solution
Big Data Sandbox Irish Centre for High End Computing Ireland Shared service
CatMDEdit Universidad de Zaragoza Spain Open source software
Citadel on the Move Issy Média France Open source software
Cl@ve Gerencia de Informática de la Seguridad Social Spain Shared service
Consul Madrid City Council Spain Open source software
Download-Client SDI Bavaria Bavarian State Ministry of Finance, Regional Development and Regional Identity Germany Open source software
elektronisches Integrationsportal (eIP) - "electronic courtfiles" Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Justiz Prielmayerstraße Germany Shared service
Epoptes Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" Greece Open source software
EUCARIS RDW Europaweg The Netherlands Shared service
European Land Information Service (EULIS) EULIS-EEIG The Netherlands Shared service
GECOS Junta de Andalucía Spain Open source software
gvSIG Generalitat Valenciana Spain Open source software
Jointly developed Data Exchange Layer software (X-Road v6) Estonian Information System Authority (RIA) Estonia Open source software
Knowledge sharing across public service Improvement Service UK Open source software
Modules for Online Applications - IDentification (MOA-ID) SIC - Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies  Austria Open source software
OpenJRubik Servicio de Estudios Tributarios y Estadísticas Spain Open source software
OpenMove Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A Italy Shared service
Orthanc University Hospital of Liège Belgium Open source software
Oskari National Land Survey of Finland Finland Open source software
RELAIS - Record Linkage At Istat Istat- Italian National Institute of Statistics Italy Open source software
sdcTools Statistics Netherlands The Netherlands Open source software
Sentilo Institut Municipal d’Informàtica. Ajuntament de Barcelona Spain Open source software
Softwarecatalogue V-ICT-OR Belgium Shared service
The European Location Framework - ELF Statens kartverk Norway Shared service
TinnitusDatabase Clinic and Policlinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Regensbur Germany Shared service
TrackYourTinnitus Crowd Sensing Platform Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University Germany Open source software
Geoportal of the swiss Confederation Federal Office of Topography Switzerland Open source software


National category

Name of the solution Institution name Country Type of the solution
AERIUS National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) The Netherlands Open source software
API Sirene INSEE France Shared service
Cash Restrictions Information System (brief - PLAIS)  State Enterprise Centre of Registers Lithuania Shared service
Central shared Web Content Management Service of the Luxembourg Government Luxembourg Government IT Centre (Centre des technologies de l'information de l'État) Luxembourg Shared service
Common building blocks for electronic data exchange Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia Shared service
Composite Service of Basic Information on Companies (CSBIC) Swedish Companies Registration Office  Sweden Shared service Federal Chancellery of Austria Austria Shared service
Document Exchange Protocol (DHX) with Reference Implementation Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication Estonia Open source software
Drupal voor Gemeenten Gemeente Vught The Netherlands Open source software
E - bauda Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Lithuania Shared service
e-Collaboration Platform Department of Information Technology Services, Ministry of Finance Cyprus Shared service
electronic penal official report (ePV) Belgian Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue Belgium Shared service
EPVNET (Establecimiento Penitenciario Virtual en Red) Centro Penitenciario de Valencia "Antoni Asunción Hernández" Spain Open source software University of Southampton UK Shared service
eXTra Enterprise Service Bus (eESB) Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bun Germany Shared service
FACE  - E-invoicing general entry point Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Spain Shared service
Information System for Customer Management (portuguese monogram - sigä) Instituto de Informática, I.P. do Ministério do Trabalho, Solidariedade e Segurança Social Portugal Shared service
Inside and ARCHIVE Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Spain Open source software
Digital Mobile Key  Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA) – Administrative Modernization Agency Portugal Shared service
Integration Platform – “Energy Social Fare” Service DGEG - Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia – Directorate General for Energy and Geology Portugal Shared service
JIP/KAAS - Jednotný identitní prostor - "Single identity systém / Catalogue of the Catalogue of authentication and authorization services" Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic Czech Republic Shared service
JOBIN Direction générale des systèmes d'information DGSI, Département de la sécurité et de l'économie Switzerland Open source software
Malta Spatial Data Infrastructure Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA)  Malta Open source software
MoD Public Key Infrastructure Ministry of Defence Italy Shared service
Modular Open Citizen Card Architecture (MOCCA)
E-Government Innovation Center (EGIZ)
Austria Open source software
MyPay Regione del Veneto Italy Shared service
National database of greenhouse gasses and other substances emissions Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute Poland Shared service
OPEN CITY PLATFORM - OCP  Regione Marche Italy Open source software Government ICT Centre Valtori Finland Shared service
OS2indberetning (OS2reporting) OS2 – Public Digitalisation Network Denmark Open source software
OSiP Online-Sicherheitsprüfung Ministry of  Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Ministerium für Inneres und Kommunales NRW) Germany Shared service
PAGePA - Piattaforma Aperta per la Gestione di Procedimenti Amministrativi (Open platform for management of adminstrative procedures)
Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri - 
Department for the supply of instrumental services - 
Office for Informatics and telematics
Italy Open source software
PDF-AS Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK) Austria Open source software
PDOK  (Public Services On the Map) The Dutch Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Kadaster) The Netherlands Open source software
Platform Central Government Online Public Information and Communications Service (DPC) of the Ministry of General Affairs The Netherlands Shared service
RNMR Platform (National Registry of Rare Diseases) National Institute of Health Italy Shared service
ROS Digital Certificates Revenue Commissioners, Information and Communications Technology and Logistics Division Ireland Shared service
Safer and more effective stock management of legal weapons and ammunition by electronic means Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior Lithuania Open source software
Shared Authentication Service for Public Service Provision ("Single Application" Module) Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia Latvia Shared service
Slovak Open Data Node 4 Environment Slovak environment agency (SAZP) Slovakia Open source software
SSBTEK Digital Service for Financial Aid Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions SALAR Sweden Shared service
Standard Business Reporting (SBR) Logius The Netherlands Shared serviceäylä (data exchange layer) Ministry of Finance Finland Shared service
Supervizor Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic Czech Republic Open source software
Tax Information System Ministry of Finance Poland Shared service
Trasporti Eccezzionali on-line Città metropolitana di Venezia Italy Open source software
WebGIS portal for management and analysis of Strategic noise maps database Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature Croatia Open source software
WIM (Website Internet Model) Dimpact The Netherlands Open source software

Regional category

Name of the solution Intitution name Country Type of the solution
CARONTE - Integrated information system for managing and monitoring public investments Regione Siciliana - Dipartimento regionale Programmazione Italy Open source software
Citizen’s Guide of the Region of Epirus Region of Epirus Greece Open source software
Community Network of the Emilia-Romagna region Lepida S.p.A. Italy Shared service
Gebruikersbeheer en Toegangsbeheer van de Vlaamse overheid (Identity and Access Management Platform of the Flemish Government) Flemish Government, Agentschap Facilitair Management Belgium Shared service
Gisplan Municipal Office Banska Bystrica Slovakia Shared service
MAGDA Platform Informatie Vlaanderen Belgium Shared service
Insular and Municipal Employment Analytical Portal. Employment Analytical Observatory Canary Island Training, Employment and Business Development Foundation (FIFEDE) Spain Shared service
REGWEB –Input and output register Balearic Islands Government Spain Open source software Ministry of Interior, Digitalization and Migration Baden-Württemberg Germany Shared service
Subsidies for school books Kuratorium Oświaty w Białymstoku Poland Shared service
Territoires Numériques Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Groupement d’Intérêt Public e-bourgogne-franche-comté (GIP e-bfc) France Shared service
Visualisation of traffic volume changes during road works in the city of Plzen The City of Plzeň Czech Republic Open source software

Local category

Name of the solution Intitution name Country Type of the solution
Antwerp City Platform as a Service (ACPaaS) Digipolis Belgium

Shared service

Choice Based Letting Scheme Cork City Council Ireland Shared service
City of Malaga Open Data federation plugin Centro Municipal de Informática Spain Open source software
civento KGRZ Hessen Germany Shared service
FirmaXadesNet Dirección General de Urbanismo - Ayuntamiento de Cartagena Spain Open source software
iA.Solutions Intercommunale de Mutualisation Informatique et Organisationnelle (IMIO) Belgium Open source software
Open Spending Austria KDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research Austria Shared service
Portales abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Cáceres Ayuntamiento de Cáceres Spain Open source software
SEDIPUALB@ (Administrative Management Services) Diputación Provincial de Albacete Spain Shared service