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Ministry of Public Administration of Republic of Slovenia
National authority
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The system SOVD is designed for transfer of large files (up to 10 GB) in a simple, secure and reliable way. The process starts when the 'sender' uploads the file into the central SOVD system. The 'receiver' gets notified by e-mail where he can find the link for the download. If the sender has protected the file with the password, the receiver gets that password via separate mail or SMS. The system also performs antivirus scan and in case of and viruses found, it denies the transfer. The senders must be registered, they must have a qualified digital certificateand they have to be inside the governmental private network HKOM. The receivers don't have such restrictions - they can also be outside HKOM anywhere on the internet, they don't need a digital certificate and they don't need to be registered. The file is only temporarily stored in the system (normaly 7 days), after that time it is automatically deleted. While it is in the system, it is encrypted. For the advanced users, the system also alows the file exchange via webservices. The system is a solution used by the Slovenian public administration. For this reason the service is currently only in the Slovenian language at the web page. For more information regarding the solution, its good practices and the possibilities of reuse you may contact the publisher.
Last update: 22/10/2019

Link to public SOVD application

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