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Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública
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Acceda is a generic ict platform with three main components: implementation of an Official Website; Implementation of new administrative electronic services and procedures. Do it without additional programming or ict developments, easily and in a shortly period of time. This ict system covers the basic requirements to manage electronic administrative procedures.

Acceda is a platform composed of three parts that allows the content management of websites (CMS), the management of the interface with the citizen to initiate and consult states of involved files (Sede) as well as a complete backend of electronic files processing.

  • The ACCEDA CMS enables the configuration of the entire website.
  • The ACCEDA Broker allows to process files, manage administrative silence, notifications, certification, documentation, etc.
  • The ACCEDA Administrator allows to create new processes or administrative procedures configuring the parameters and designing forms of interaction with the citizen.

Acceda is designed for a quick and flexible implementation of the different procedures of an organism. Furthermore, the export of the functionalities via web services facilitates the integration with proprietary applications, both for entrance and exit, due to the implementation of triggers in files management processes.

Responsible Organisms

Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública

Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública

Secretaría General de Administración Digital

Intended Audience

Any Public Administration

How to use

Network service for end-users

Installable product

Network service integrable in customers applications

More information about the solution in the Technology Transfer Centre - Spain

Solution ACCEDA

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