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Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública
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Portal for the dissemination and reuse of technical solutions (services, developments, infrastructure, regulations, assets, etc.) for the development of the electronic administration. it is a knowledge base of technical information in the area.

Portal for the dissemination and re-use of technical solutions (services, developments, infrastructure, regulations, assets, semantic, etc) of interest for the development of the electronic administration. Constitutes a knowledge base of technical information in the area.

The CTT publishes a general directory of applications or/and solutions whose aim is to encourage its re-use by all the Public Administrations. It is possible to find solutions (projects, services, rules, assets, semantic, etc.) that are useful for the development of the electronic Administration.

The CTT has 2 technological environments in which to work in function of different needs:

  • The environment CTT-PAe or directory of solutions of the CTT , it is the right place to find a solution, project, and/or service for reuse in your administration and that contains the information dissemination on its use.
  • For those solutions which want to build a development comunity around its free software project, inside GITHUB it has been created forja-CTT organisation , in which public entities could create and manage their own repositories.

The CTT is the response to the article 158 of law 40/2015 , and article 17 of Royal Decree 4/2010, of 8 January, by the ENI.

It is of mandatory use in the General Administration of the State and is available to the rest of Public Administrations. Moreover, there is also federated with those autonomous communities that have decided to have their own regional repository and the repositories of CENATIC and the European Commission.

Responsible Organisms

Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública

Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública

Secretaría General de Administración Digital

Intended Audience

Any Public Administration

How to use

Network service for end-users

More information about the solution in the Technology Transfer Centre - Spain

Solution CTT

Last update: 22/10/2019

Technology Transfer Centre

Not applicable

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