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General Secretariat for Digital Administration
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Cl@ve, linked to the national eIDAS node, is a common platform for identification, authentication and electronic signature, a horizontal and interoperable system that avoids Public Administrations having to implement and manage their own systems for authentication and signature, and citizens having to use different methods of identification when interacting electronically with the Administration.

Cl@ve complements the existing systems for accessing electronically public services, based on the DNI-e (electronic ID card) and electronic certificates, and offers the possibility of signing in the cloud with personal certificates kept in remote servers.

Cl@ve is available to all citizens and administration bodies and facilitates obtaining means of electronic identification (id/password, cloud based digital certificates) recognised by public administrations and tools for the verification of digital identities, and the realization and verification of electronic signatures. Credentials can be obtained online, if the user has a digital identity certificate or by an face-to-face enrolment process in the network of registration offices using a legally valid identification (national ID card, foreigners ID card etc.). Cl@ve facilitates new ways of eID, alternative to electronic certificates.

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