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Interoperability in transport management systems
Interoperability will be more critical than ever before with the implementation of connected vehicle systems and the introduction of automated transportation systems as system interdependencies increase, not only in number but also in complexity. Standards and architectures must continue to evolve to reflect technological advancements and maintain the required backward compatibility and interoperability. There are several potential benefits of interoperability, including: - increased efficiency in communications and information sharing between transportation agencies and users; - Europe-wide interoperability for vehicles and other participants in intelligent transportation systems (ITS); - maintenance of the forward and backward interoperability of ITS equipment and reduced need for re-investment over time; - greater adoption rates with reduced anxiety over obsolescence; - more efficient transportation usage based on innovations and new commercial applications; - transportation solutions that resolve interoperability among developers, users, agencies, and modes to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and provide real-time and effective information; - increased efficiencies in the economic enterprise.

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