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Description of date of creation

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 03/06/2012 Discussion Archived

page 9, metadata category "provenance", metadata property "created"
and page 17, property "date of creation":
-> The description "date of creation" is very unclear to me,
since most software is not created in a single day. Do you want an
ISO 8601 date range describing the project which created the initially
published version of the software? But that also does not seem to make
a lot of sense practically: Even for software which was created as
part of a formal project (in the sense of having well-defined start
and end dates), that information is not likely to be readily available
to anyone except to the project manager of that project. And even if
that is what is meant, you need to provide guidance on how to handle
the case of software that is based on one or more software packages
from another publisher.




Conceptual Model


stijngoedertier (not verified) Sun, 03/06/2012 - 23:35

In v0.3 "date of creation" is not a property of a software project, but a property of the software asset and software distribution (see Section 4 "Conceptual Model").

The confusion might originate from the fact that Section 3 "Use Cases" defines the information need and lists metadata properties and relationships without clarifying to which concept they pertain. 


Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 06/06/2012 - 15:32

So in the case of a tarball distribution, the "date of creation" it would be the date on which the "tar cfz" (or similar) command was executed?

stijngoedertier (not verified) Wed, 13/06/2012 - 19:24

>> the date on which the "tar cfz" (or similar) command was executed?

That could be a possible way to get a date of creation for a software distribution, but it would not work for software releases, which are immaterial. I am not sure whether a precise definition needs to be given for this metadata field. For the pupose of our use case, it does not seem to be  a requirement. In the interest of "interoperability" it might be convenient to keep the meaning a the more general level.

stijngoedertier (not verified) Fri, 29/06/2012 - 17:17