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GeoDCAT-AP - editorial issues in the examples

Published on: 09/11/2015 Discussion Archived

please find below further editorial issues in GeoDCAT-AP Draft 7  v. 0.45 – Annexes:
-          Pages 14 and 15 – example, the value of the attribute “codelist” in CI_OnLineFunctionCode tag has to be updated with “…" xmlns=” insteaf of “…" xmlns=” (i.e. the the letter “c” in the word “codelist” in the path has to be small instead of upper-case”).
The same update has to be made in the examples:
o   at page 33 (gmd:MD_RestrictionCode tag);
o   at pages 36-37 (gmd:CI_RoleCode tag);
o   at page 47 (gmd:MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode tag)

-          page 43 – Example, the value of the attribute “codelist” in MD_CharacterSetCode tag has to be updated with “…” instead of “resources/codelist/gmxcodelists.xml#MD_CharacterSetCode” (for metadata character set) and “” (for dataset character set);




