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UI1: Contact information

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 01/02/2016 Discussion
  • Which vCard properties to use to describe contact information?
    • E.g. name, e-mail, telephone

Implementers have noted that DCAT-AP lacks detail for the descriptive elements to be used with the class vcard:Kind, the range of dcat:contactPoint. It currently does not specify any recommended properties, which means that applications do not know beforehand which properties may be encountered.

A common approach to the minimum set of properties to be used would increase interoperability.


This issue has been reported by Matthias Palmer:






Makx DEKKERS Thu, 11/02/2016 - 14:13

The DCAT-AP specification is silent on which properties to use which puts a large burden on aggregators as they will have to recognise all of the possible properties defined in vCard, or make a best guess on what data publishers will provide.


In a related project, ADMS-AP for harvesting descriptions of interoperability assets by the Joinup platform, the following set of properties are specified:


One mandatory property, repeatable

  • vcard:hasEmail: e-mail address where comments and questions can be sent

Four optional properties, repeatable

  • vcard:has Address: full address of the contact
  • vcard:fn: full name of the contact
  • vcard:hasTelephone: telephone number of the contact
  • vcard:hasURL: URL of a webpage of the contact


Would these properties be relevant for Datasets?

Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 11/02/2016 - 16:51
I guess vcard:org/vcard:organization-name is also important, as the data is often provided by organizations.
Bart HANSSENS Wed, 24/02/2016 - 14:48

+1 for vcard:hasEmail


If I recall correctly, the vCard/RDF spec itself mandates the use of vcard:fn

Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 16/03/2016 - 16:06

Proposed resolution:

  • Provide as a minimum name (v:fn) and e-mail address (v:hasEmail), and optionally telephone number (v:hasTel) and URL (v:hasURL).
  • Additional recommendations:
    • Stable contact point, i.e. an organisational email address (e.g., not the email of an individual.
    • Department that handles requests and feedback, if such a department exists, rather than for the organisation as a whole. For example, the URL should point to a contact page or contact form rather than to the homepage of the organisation.
Andrea PEREGO Thu, 24/03/2016 - 00:44

Just to mention that GeoDCAT-AP, based on how this information is specified in ISO 19115 / INSPIRE metadata, uses the following properties for vcard:Kind:

  • vcard:organization-name
  • vcard:hasEmail
  • vcard:hasURL

Likewise, for foaf:Agent, GeoDCAT-AP uses the following properties:

  • foaf:name
  • foaf:mbox
  • foaf:workplaceHomepage

See also Uwe's comment on issue MI5.

Makx DEKKERS Thu, 24/03/2016 - 19:37

vCard specifies that the property v:fn is mandatory for all Kinds. That's why the guideline here recommends that. It seems to me that if you provide v:organisation-name, you would also have to provide v:fn to satisfy this obligation in the W3C spec, correct?

Andrea PEREGO Wed, 30/03/2016 - 22:42

vCard specifies that the property v:fn is mandatory for all Kinds. That's why the guideline here recommends that. It seems to me that if you provide v:organisation-name, you would also have to provide v:fn to satisfy this obligation in the W3C spec, correct?


Yes, Makx, you're right. In GeoDCAT-AP the focus was on the organisation name, since this is what is typically included in INSPIRE / ISO records. We can consider addressing this issue in the GeoDCAT-AP XSLT.

Said that, personally I think that the most relevant information for a dataset contact point is (1) an email address or (2) the Website URL. I don't need to know the name of an individual or organisation (and I don't need to know their postal address): the important thing is that I'm able to contact the relevant people / team / organisation.

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 12/04/2016 - 16:21

We support the the suggestion  to provide as a minimum name (v:fn) and e-mail address (v:hasEmail), and optionally telephone number (v:hasTel) and URL (v:hasURL)

Jean on the behalf of OP/OpenDataPortal

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 06/09/2016 - 18:22