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Adding the concept of life event

Joinup Admin
Published on: 31/03/2016 Discussion Archived

Currently CPSV-AP only covers the grouping of Public Services in Business Events, and thus is the CPSV-AP not covering all types of Public Services, for instance Public Service for which the target audience is a citizen.

By adding the concept of a Life Event, the scope of the model is extended to all types of Public Services. The proposed solution is to add a class “Event” and two subclasses “Life Event” and “Business Event”. The latter was already in the data model and will just be linked to the “Event” class as a subclass.

The attributes of Event are:

  • Identifier;
  • Name;
  • Description;
  • Language;
  • Processing Time;
  • Has Cost;
  • Related Public Service;

The additional attributes of “Business Event” and “Life Event” are:

  • Type;
  • Related Business Event/Life Event;






philarcher (not verified) Thu, 31/03/2016 - 15:43

This has already been done in the new draft of the CPSV-AP (coming soon). The proposal is to create a class of 'Event' and then two subclasses, one for business events and one for life events. The Event class shouldn't be used, it's there as a semantic hook for the 2 sub classes. The properties of Business Event nad Life Event are the same for now (i.e. are propoerties of the Event class).

philarcher (not verified) Tue, 12/04/2016 - 11:19

Resolved during 2016-04-12 Webinar

philarcher (not verified) Tue, 12/04/2016 - 11:19

Resolved during 2016-04-12 Webinar

Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 20/04/2016 - 09:59

Based on the analysis of relevant work and studies in the context of the project, the suggestion for a definition of the concept "life event" is the following:

 “life events are important events or situations in a citizen's life where public services may be required

philarcher (not verified) Wed, 20/04/2016 - 13:11

I have used Michiel's suggested wording in the definiton of the Life Event class as follows:


"The Life Event class represents an important event or situations in a citizen's life where public services may be required. Note the scope: an individual will encounter any number of 'events' in the general sense of the word. In the context of the CPSV-AP, the Life Event class only represents an event for which a Public Service is related. For example, a couple becoming engaged is not a CPSV-AP Life Event, getting married is, since only the latter has any relevance to public services. "

Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 22/04/2016 - 10:13

Sounds good Phil!


For the analysis we have done of national MS portals, we have also noticed that the most frequent attributes of a life event are only:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Related public services

Besides this, there are also other attributes that are less frequent, for instance:

  • Category (e.g. family, safety, environment...);
  • Hompepage
  • Competent Authority
  • Contact iinformation
  • Additinal informatio, related links...
Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/05/2016 - 09:49

Relating to what Michiel says, I'm questioning what was said above about the proposed attributes of the Event class.

I mean for me, an life or business event such as founding a company can not necessarily be linked to specific costs or a processing time.

Furthermore, the method of simply adding the costs of the individual public services related to that event doesn't really indicate the practical costs of the overall event...

I would therefore recommend to remove those two attribute from the event class.

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/05/2016 - 09:51

I like this definition. I just suggest to refine it by replacing "event or situations" with "episode". Technically, an episode is a temporal entity that has a unity principle, so that it is "maximal". A marriage or an employment episode, for instance, lasts as long as the marriage or the employment relationship has a legal validity.


My may also consider to change "Life Event" into "Life Episode", or better, to account for Phil's note on the scope, "Public Life Episode"...



philarcher (not verified) Thu, 19/05/2016 - 13:05

I think we have discussed this issue at length, in terms of what we mean by an event. It was an error to include cost and processing time in the event class - they're properly linked from the service itself (and the channels through which the service is available).