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Contact Information / Contact Point

Joinup Admin
Published on: 31/03/2016 Discussion Archived

In CPSV-AP_IT and in Estonia contact information is being added to the model. In CPSV-AP_IT this is done by adding a property “hasServiceContactPoint” which is an association between Public Service and Organization.

In Estonia the contact information was added as properties of the Service owner. More specifically, the following properties are being added:

  • Phone
  • E-mail






philarcher (not verified) Thu, 31/03/2016 - 16:20

In my view, alignment with the CPOV will take care of this. In CPOV, the hasContactPoint property links a Public Organisation to a a VCard. That's a method for contacting the organisation (via e-mail, phoen or Web contact page). That's different from the channels which are methods of accessing the service. 

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 26/04/2016 - 21:36

Yes and no, Phil. The contact within CPOV relates to the PO regardless of context. Such a PO may handle many PS's. It may depend on the PS which contactpoint to choose.

Not doing this will result in a cartesian product in a number of cases, not knowing which contactpoint to use within the context of a public service.


In my opinion, it would be better to have both a contactpoint at the level of the PO and at the level of the relation PO-PS (defined within the CPSV).

The same goes for Persons and the relation Person-PO (the to-be roles and mandates voc).

philarcher (not verified) Thu, 12/05/2016 - 17:01

CPOV defines hasContactPoint -> Contact Point for public organisations (this can be a VCard) so we can reuse that. The domain of cpov:hasContactPoint is not defined (deliberately) so we can reuse it easily here. The 2nd model circulated on 12/5/16 includes this, with hasContactPoint links from both the Public Service and Channel, in line with the cost, processing time etc.

Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 23/05/2016 - 14:52


philarcher (not verified) Thu, 09/06/2016 - 13:42

Agreed 24/5/16