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Documenting legal consequences / fines ?

Published on: 04/11/2016 Discussion Archived

In our custom XML-schema for describing procedures/services, we have a text-element that can be used to explain (in layman's terms, instead of citing the law) the legal consequences / fines one might expect when _not_ following a procedure.

I guess this may be part of a Rule or Formal Framework , but I'm open to suggestions ?






philarcher (not verified) Fri, 11/11/2016 - 13:09

I would say that's out of scope for this, Bart. We're rerally just building the data model to describe services to go into a catalogue. What you describe would be part of the Rule or Formal Framework but I'd say that's up to your local implementation. 

philarcher (not verified) Fri, 25/11/2016 - 21:46