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eIDAS Trust Services: 6 months on after the switch-over

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 08/11/2016 Event Archived
The venue has changed:
Charlemagne - Sicco Manscholt room
Rue de la Loi 170
1000 Brussels
Public transport:
Metro station “Schuman” (lines 1 and 5)
Train station “Bruxelles-Schuman”

The recording of the event's Webstreaming is available :

The workshop report as well as presentations held can be found below.


An eIDAS Trust Services Workshop was held in Brussels, Belgium, on 19 December 2016, to present the state of play six months after the entry into force of the new rules for trust services under the eIDAS Regulation.

How well have Member States managed to comply with the new rules? Are there obstacles that still need to be overcome? What about trust service providers? Are they on the right path to seize the opportunities brought by the new framework? By providing a platform for sharing experience, best practices, business cases and success stories, the workshop was an opportunity to take stock of the changes introduced by eIDAS in the EU trust services landscape and to discuss how best to leverage the opportunities offered by the eIDAS Regulation.


On 1 July 2016, Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 910/2014, which lays down the rules on Trust Services, i.e. electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic time stamps, electronic registered delivery services and website authentication, was applied directly in all 28 Member States. This represents a big step forward in building a Digital Single Market and will result in important changes both for public administrations and the providers of these services.

From the 1999 Directive on electronic signatures, we now have a directly applicable legal text going beyond electronic signatures and including a set of trust services which are important for secure and convenient electronic transactions across the EU.

This means new rules for public administrations but also for the providers of electronic trust services, which can be either qualified or non-qualified.

Trust service providers can decide whether to become qualified. If they do, there is an initiation process involving different actors, as a result of which qualified trust service providers and the qualified trust services provided by them are included in the Trusted Lists – which now have a constitutive effect (unlike before 1st July, when they were only an information tool).

The objective of the one-day workshop was to present the state of play six months after the entry into force of these new rules.

The morning session of the workshop was devoted to share experiences, best practices and success stories through presentations and real use cases. In the afternoon, participants were split into break-out sessions to discuss real challenges and address concrete questions related to the eIDAS requirements.

The seminar was organised for representatives of the Member States, Supervisory Bodies, Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs), National Accreditation Bodies (NABs), Certification Bodies (under Art. 30 of eIDAS Regulation), Trust Service Providers, ENISA and Standardisation Bodies - ETSI (CEN) representatives. 

Expected Participants:


State: Open




" eIDAS Trust Services: 6 months on after the switch-over"

19 December 2016 1000 – 1730

Charlemagne Building – Sicco Manscholt room



9:30 Registration



Welcome and setting the scene – Andrea Servida (European Commission)
10:20 Implementation of eIDAS trust services
Presentation Evgenia Nikolouzou, ENISA
10:40 Panel Discussion – 6 months later: experiences and challenges
Presentation  Moderator: Erik R. VAN ZUUREN, Vice-Chairman, EEMA.ORG
  Panellists: Joseph Seychell (Malta Communications Authority), Christiaan Van der Valk (Trustweaver), Gabriele Picchi (Bureau Veritas Italia), Lionel Antunes (CTIE), Etienne Combet (CLUBPSCO)
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 Panel Discussion – Accreditation: National Accreditation Bodies, Conformity Assessment Bodies, Supervisory Bodies… who does what?
  Moderator: Arno Fiedler (Nimbus)
Presentation Panellists: Andrea Caccia (ACCREDIA), Tjeerd Inia (Authority for Consumers & Market), Arvid Vermote (Ernst & Young), Katrin LAAS-MIKKO (AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus)
12:30 Panel Discussion – Transparency in the market: the role of Trusted Lists and the EU Trust Mark
  Moderator: Isak Bengtzboe (Eurofinas)
Presentations Panellists: Ulrika de la Iglesia (Swedish Post and Telecom Authority), Razvan Antemir (EMOTA), Viky Manaila (Trans Sped SRL) – Olivier Barette (Nowina)
13:15 Lunch
14:15 Overview of EU TSP market – where we stand and future perspectives
Presentation Olivier Delos (SEALED)
14:30 Update on eIDAS-related standards
Presentation Riccardo Genghini (ETSI Chairman)
14:45 Panel Discussion – Initiation and Supervision of Trust Service Providers
  Moderator: Olli-Pekka Rissanen (Public Sector ICT, Ministry of Finance)
Presentation Panellists: Ronny Depoortere (Zetes), Rafael Pérez Galindo (Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo), Dr Igor Furgel (T-Systems International GmbH)
15:30 Panel Discussion – Security Breach Notification and the different models available (eIDAS, GDPR, NIS): Convergence and Divergence in a complex landscape
  Moderator: Evgenia Nikolouzou, ENISA

Panellists: Achim Klabunde, EDPS, Svetlana SCHUSTER (DG CNECT), Tautvydas Bakšys (Kaunas University of Technology), Kees Keuzenkamp (NL Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie)

16:15 Coffee break
16:30 Panel Discussion – eDelivery requirements in eIDAS Regulation 
  Moderator: Joao Rodrigues Frade, European Commission
Presentations  Panellists: Dr Christoph Sutter (TUV Informationstechnik GmbH), Jiri Prusa (CZ.NIC Association), Leslie ROMEO (Head of Trust Services 1&1)  
17:15 Wrap-up and conclusions
17:30 End of day



Physical location
The venue has changed:
Charlemagne - Sicco Manscholt room
Rue de la Loi 170
1000 Brussels
Public transport:
Metro station “Schuman” (lines 1 and 5)
Train station “Bruxelles-Schuman”


Daniele TUMIETTO Wed, 21/12/2016 - 10:39

Thanks, a very interesting workshop, a full overview on (r)evolution of eIDAS. 

Best regards, Daniele