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Poland finalising its national open data program

Poland finalising its nationa…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 22/07/2016 News Archived

The Polish Ministry of Digitisation is currently finalising its open data program. From 16 May to 16 June, it ran a public consultation, resulting in fourteen parties providing feedback on the proposed program and expressing their willingness to cooperate on its implementation.

The idea to create in each institution a new position dedicated to the re-use of government data was well received. Since most of the data is expected to be used for scientific and educational purposes, participants suggested a closer collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of National Education.

Cultural heritage information

Participants also expressed the need for a complementary policy to open up cultural resources. This is an important new area in the amended European PSI Directive, the Polish transposition of which was accepted by Parliament earlier this year.

Other input concerned the importance of open data formats and interoperability. Participants suggested adding new standards to the list of open standards, thereby following recommendations made by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO), the Open Government Partnership (OGP), and the International Open Data Conference.