Interoperable Europe Act: Join the Stakeholder Consultation of the European Committee of the Regions

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Published on: 22/02/2023 Last update: 29/06/2023

On 27/02, the European Committee of the Regions organises a Stakeholder Consultation concerning the Commission Proposal for an Interoperable Europe Act. The input of stakeholders from European local and regional authorities is required.  

The proposal of the European Commission for an Interoperable Europe Act is of significant relevance for local and regional authorities. 

Among others, the Act envisions to develop common solutions between local administrations in different Member States (without necessarily going through national nodes) in order to facilitate and encourage the exchange of data between all levels of administration.  
Furthermore, the act proposes a monitoring role for the European Commission on the take-up of interoperability solutions in different sectors, across the Member States, and at local level. 

For this reason, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR)  has appointed Michele País (IT/ECR), President and Member of the Regional Council of Sardinia, as Rapporteur for an Opinion on the Interoperable Europe Act.  

Before drafting his opinion (an obligatory requirement in the legislative procedure), Mr. Pais would like to gather your views and feedback on this topic during a stakeholder consultation on 27/02 (11.00 - 13.00 CET).  

Discussion topics 

Potential inspiring questions and considerations that the CoR proposed for this meeting are: 

  • How are you/is your administration involved in the implementation of interoperability solutions/products? 
  • How did you come across issues linked to interoperability of information systems when it comes to providing electronic services or providing services electronically? 
  • What is the expertise of the personnel involved in addressing interoperability at local and regional level? 
  • How do you/does your administration exchange good practices with other actors (public/private/academia) when it comes to interoperability? 
  • Does the regulation adequately address the issues you are encountering at local level? 
  • The draft Regulation provides for financing of a number of actions from the general budget of the EU. However, given the number of tasks conferred to local and regional authorities (LRAs), how will these be financed? How will national central authorities ensure proper financing of LRAs? 

Practical Information 

You can join the consultation for free in person in Brussels or online. Registrations for the consultation are possible until 26/02.  

Link to the Registration Form: 2023.02.27 - ECON Registration - Stakeholder consultation Interoperable Europe Act (  

More info on the event by the Committee of the Regions: Stakeholder consultation on the Interoperable Europe Act ( 

More info on the EU Commission proposal for an Interoperable Europe Act: EU Commission adopts proposal Act | Joinup (

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