Save the date: SEMIC is coming back on the 6th of December

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Published on: 18/07/2022 Last update: 16/10/2023

​The Interoperability Unit of DIGIT in the European Commission, in collaboration with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, proudly presents the 2022 edition of SEMIC: Data Spaces in an Interoperable Europe.

After two digital editions, the annual semantic interoperability conference will be back completely physically on the 6th of December 2022 at the Square Meeting Center in Brussels!  

The central focus of #SEMIC2022 revolves around the implementation of data spaces, bringing together concrete use cases from both the public and the private sector.      

What can you anticipate?  

Under the umbrella of the Digital Europe Programme, different sectors have begun their preparatory work on the implementation of data spaces. However, many sector-specific DGs and Member States are struggling to find the best methods, tools & infrastructure to implement such a data space. In parallel, the private sector has initiated projects across various application domains.

#SEMIC2022 will offer support in overcoming obstacles in implementing data spaces and will clarify how interoperability within and across sectors can be achieved.

Among others: 
- Concrete data stories from different Member States will demonstrate how aggregated data can play a key role in gathering business intelligence and risk management processes.
- Parallel sessions will present technical deep dives based on use cases and semantic specifications.
- High-profile policy makers will talk about their experience in the sharing & reuse of data
- Novel academic research will be showcased at the Interoperability Academy Speaking Corner

- And meeting your next business partner or colleague in the semantic domain will be again easier thanks to the extensive networking possibilities at the physical event.

Stay tuned on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts to be the first to discover the conference programme, registration opening and other news around #SEMIC2022! 

How was the previous SEMIC? 

In 2021, we welcomed nearly 600 participants from all around the world to the second digital edition of SEMIC! The theme was “Human Centric Data Spaces – Powered by Interoperability”.

Policy makers, IT practitioners and researchers discussed how data sets can be exchanged between data providers and consumers, while protecting EU ethical and legal aspects, ensuring human centricity, and using emerging technologies.

The full conference can be relived in its entirety here.

Learn more about the SEMIC activities and visit the SEMIC community on Joinup!  

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