
The Digital Europe Programme supports the development of initiatives in the area of interoperability. The initiatives listed below are already operational and can be reused free of charge. More will be made available continuously.


Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile (CPSV-AP)

A data model for describing public services and the associated life and business events

When is this solution for you?

You are responsible for implementing a catalogue or a portal of public services in your country, region, municipality, etc. In some cases you may need to compile and publish information about public services from various authorities.

Public administrations and service providers can use this to guarantee a degree of cross-domain and cross-border interoperability between public service catalogues.


Supporting the next generation (for 2030) of European digital public services.

When is this solution for you?

  • You are an enterprise or solution architect working in the implementation of digital public services in a specific policy domain or in cross-domain infrastructure services, who needs to have a European reference model to plan the implementation phases.
  • You are the CIO of a Member State (e.g. Head of MS’s Digital Agency), who needs to plan and optimise the investment in e-Government for the following years, to be distributed in different policy areas, while focusing on the modernisation of the MS’s digital public services.
  • You are a public administrations’ services Portfolio Manager, working on planning the long-term modernisation programmes of specific digital public services for citizens and businesses or of infrastructure services, who needs to have guidance in identifying the priority actions and their sequence.

EIRA and CarTool

European Interoperability Reference Architecture and Cartography tool

When is this solution for you?

You work in a public administration. A cross-border public service is about to be developed. You would like to keep costs down and reuse interoperability solutions that have already been developed.


Electronic access to EU documents

Automating and streamlining the process to obtain access to the Commission documents and its supporting flows

When is this initiative for you?

  • You are a citizen or a stakeholder interested in obtaining access to a document, held by the European Commission;
  • You are a public administration considering ways to improve your system for the management of requests for public access to documents.

European Single Procurement Document (ESPD)

A single tool facilitating participation in public procurement across the EU

When is this solution for you?

  • You are a public administration body engaging in public procurement.
  • You are a company participating in a tender.


Common assessment method for standards and specifications

When is this solution for you?

  • You want to use ICT standards or specifications in procuring and implementing your regional, national or cross-border ICT services.
  • You would like to make sure that you choose the best available ICT standards or specifications to fulfil your business needs.

Innovative Public Services

Modernising Public Administration

When is this solution for you?

You are a public administrator interested in using novel digital technologies to improve your services or policy-making.

Interoperability Academy

Contributing to advanced digital skills of civil servants in the area of interoperability to support policy, service delivery and impact evaluation.

When is this solution for you?

  • You work in or for a public administration and you want to understand the interoperability issues and the way to deal with them;
  • You are responsible for digital skills in the public sector and you want to share or reuse learning resources, or/and;
  • You want to use one or more of the interoperability solutions and you would like to receive a thorough training on how to use them.

Test bed logo
Interoperability Test Bed

Interoperability and conformance testing platform

When is this solution for you?

  • You are deploying a distributed application or a central service that other systems will connect to (e.g. a peer-to-peer network or a web service).
  • You are an owner of a system that wants to connect to a central service, and you want to ensure interoperability between the interconnecting systems. 

IMAPS logo

Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service

When is this solution for you?

You are involved in the design, development, management or delivery of a digital public service? IMAPS gives you a tool to evaluate the interoperability maturity of your digital public service and to identify improvement opportunities towards seamless interoperability.

SEMIC logo

Promoting Semantic Interoperability amongst the EU Member States              

When is this solution for you?

  • You are involved in the metadata management of a European public administration or service.
  • You want to explore, (re-) use or share semantic assets (metadata or reference data).
  • You want to learn more about semantic interoperability requirements, approaches or tools.
  • You are looking for references for best practices and case studies.

S&R logo
Sharing and reuse

Promoting greater interoperability, standardisation, and cooperation among public administrations for simplified, faster and more efficient administrative procedures.

When is this solution for you?

  • You are working in a public administration and you are in charge of providing services based on IT solutions to citizens and businesses.
  • You are a public administration technical expert or an IT manager in charge of developing and maintaining one or more IT solutions for your organisation.
  • You are a decision maker in a public administration and you want to increase efficiencies and cut costs, also in the IT domain.
  • You are a public sector official interested in the delivery of public services through innovative IT solutions.

NIFO logo

The National Interoperability Framework Observatory

When is this solution for you?

You work for a public administration and you are in charge of drafting or reviewing your National Interoperability Framework (NIF). You are responsible for an interoperability initiative. You want to make sure that this Framework or initiative is aligned with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). You want to have a comprehensive overview of eGovernment activities in European countries or at European Union level.

VocBench logo

A multilingual platform for collaborative thesaurus management

When is this solution for you?

You want to centralise the management of controlled vocabularies and metadata used by your public administration to support interoperability.

CoreVoc logo
Core Vocabularies

Simplified, reusable and extensible data models

When is this solution for you?

As a public administration, you want to:

  • Develop new systems from a conceptual and logical data model
  • Enable the information exchange between systems
  • Integrate data from various sources
  • Publish data in a common export format

EUSurvey logo

A tool for creating, managing and analysing online surveys and public consultations

When is this solution for you?

You would like to create and conduct multilingual online surveys or consultations with easy analysis of results.

LEOS logo

A tool facilitating the drafting of legislative texts

When is this solution for you?

  • You are dealing with the editing or publication of legal texts.
  • You are looking for an easy to use editing tool that provides guidance and quality control for writers.
  • You also need a structured format that would enable automatic processing and interoperability between IT systems.

Legal Interoperability

A tool facilitating the drafting of legislative texts

When is this solution for you?

  • You are a policy officer in a public administration preparing or evaluating legislation and want to know more about how to make legislation digital-ready.
  • You work on the implementation of digital public services as an IT specialist, business architect, data specialist and you would like to provide input for future-proof policymaking. 
  • You are in charge of the conceptualization, design, delivery, running or evaluation of a public service and you would like to get rid of the legal interoperability barriers that you encounter in your work.
  • You are an expert in digital-ready policymaking and want to contribute to a growing community around the topic.


A text mining tool to detect EU legal references for hyperlink creation or knowledge extraction

When is this solution for you?

  • You edit, manage and publish legal texts that include references to other legal texts.
  • You want to avoid the tedious creation of web links.
  • You need a tool that detects references and creates links pointing to their original repository, or any subsequent knowledge enrichment process.

circabc logo


Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens

When is this solution for you?

You are a member of a widespread collaborative group. You would like to share information and resources in private workspaces over the web.

eCertis logo


A tool for mapping certificates necessary in public procurement 

When is this solution for you?

  • You want to participate in a tender across borders and you need to know what type of documents you may have to submit.
  • You are a public buyer that has to evaluate bids received from various EU countries.
  • You are an ICT service provider that offers an e-procurement solution.


Application of EU law: provision of cross-sector communication and problem solving tools

When is this solution for you?

  • You want to participate in a tender across borders and you need to know what type of documents you may have to submit.
  • You are a public buyer that has to evaluate bids received from various EU countries.
  • You are an ICT service provider that offers an e-procurement solution.



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