DigitALL conference: recordings are available

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Published on: 19/11/2021 Last update: 10/08/2023

From 20-22 April 2021, the DigitALL Public conference offered a unique virtual platform to learn how interoperability solutions and Building Blocks have – and will continue to – power Europe’s digital transformation.

We heard inspiring interventions, testimonials and received insights from more than 200 speakers in 56 dedicated sessions. More than 1500 digital enthusiasts connected from 33 countries, clearly demonstrating the interest in the question of how Building Blocks and interoperability solutions can make our lives better.

The recordings of the main stage sessions are now available.

This event offered inspiring insights into lessons learned, the importance of innovation and co-creation, shed light on key policy developments in the digital domain and the value of the 2020 Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-based Digital Government.

This conference has clearly demonstrated that reuse of CEF Building Blocks and ISA² solutions has concretely supported Europe’s digital transition, fostered innovation and built secure interoperability. In the last couple of years, the CEF Digital and ISA² programmes have contributed significantly to inter-connecting national IT landscapes and digitalising the public sector.

Make sure to check out the recordings and watch the aftermovie!

Video URL

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