Interoperable Europe with a dedicated space on Joinup

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Published on: 20/12/2021 Last update: 10/08/2023

Interoperable Europe, the initiative of the European Commission for a reinforced interoperability policy, is now hosted on Joinup, the one-stop shop for E-Government.

The Interoperable Europe’s space on Joinup will be dedicated to the policy angle of our work at the Interoperability Unit of DG Informatics. Here you will also find news about governmental interoperability, events organized by the European Commission and our partners, initiatives that are supporting the digitalisation of the EU public administrations, best practices related to interoperability, and much more.

Having Joinup and Interoperable Europe at the same online place will bring the best of both worlds. Namely – the practical solutions provided by Joinup and the visionary big picture offered by Interoperable Europe.


At the end of November 2021, we announced the transition of ISA² Programme into Interoperable Europe. ISA² was a funding programme of the European Union that supported the development of digital solutions, which enable public administrations, businesses, and citizens to benefit from interoperable cross-border and cross-sector public services. The programme ran until 31 December 2020. Despite the end of it, the commitment of the European Commission and its partners to enhance interoperability in Europe continues in the long term.

The goal of Interoperable Europe is to lead the process of creating an interoperability policy that will unlock the potential of data use and reuse for improved public services. It will enable cross-border collaboration and support the sector-specific policy goals set by the Commission for the future. The initiative is supported by the Digital Europe Programme.

Take a deeper dive at our space on Joinup! Check the Interoperable Europe home page!

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